Waste of time learning to service espresso machines


New member
May 12, 2012
Edmonton, Alberta
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Been a Journeyman plumber for 10 years and just took a job as an espresso machine mechanic. Gave my notice and told my boss the position I took. He told me I was an absolute moron for quitting to pursue this and was a disgrace to the trade if I couldn't learn the ins and outs of these machines inside of a week. Mind you, my wage is crap compared to what it was but I'd like to think there's a future in my decision ie: Starbucks,Tim Hortons,Second Cup and a zillion other places with brewing equipment that needs servicing. Not only that, but these machines appear to be mini boiler systems with controls and the like, that not just any Joe Blow can piss around with. I'm sticking by my guns with my decision but some info would be appreciated by some people in the know. Cheers and much obliged.