Best coffee shop roasting machines


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Aug 11, 2017
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Hi guys:grin:,

I'm opening a coffee shop in less than a year time. Where I live there is very little if not no roasters at all. I want my coffee shop to stand out. As a result, I should provide excellent coffee to my customers.

I cannot import roasted coffee because by the time the roasted coffee arrives, it would have lost its flavour and many of its characteristics. Hence, I'm planning to roast my own coffee for my coffee shop usage (not for wholesale business).

It's very challenging to choose a roaster machine apart from hundreds of types. Also, I'm very confused with what size shall I go for. I know roasting is not that easy. However, I'm doing a lot of research about it and getting a lot of the basics and might join some courses.

What do you guys recommend from your experience. If it is only for coffee shop usage I thing the common sense would be to go for not a commercial roaster (big machine). However, I have very little experience in this field and would like your assistance please.

Through some research I came up with this one.
Hottop KN-8828B-2-K+ Digital Drum Roaster. However, I feel that it might not fit my plans.
I also have a small cafe. I thought of roasting myself but it was too hard and I did not have much time for it. Fortunately, I found a small coffee shop and they agreed to supply it to me. Wish you success with your research.

Hi guys:grin:,

I'm opening a coffee shop in less than a year time. Where I live there is very little if not no roasters at all. I want my coffee shop to stand out. As a result, I should provide excellent coffee to my customers.

I cannot import roasted coffee because by the time the roasted coffee arrives, it would have lost its flavour and many of its characteristics. Hence, I'm planning to roast my own coffee for my coffee shop usage (not for wholesale business).

It's very challenging to choose a roaster machine apart from hundreds of types. Also, I'm very confused with what size shall I go for. I know roasting is not that easy. However, I'm doing a lot of research about it and getting a lot of the basics and might join some courses.

What do you guys recommend from your experience. If it is only for coffee shop usage I thing the common sense would be to go for not a commercial roaster (big machine). However, I have very little experience in this field and would like your Try assistance please.

Through some research I came up with this one.
Hottop KN-8828B-2-K+ Digital Drum Roaster. However, I feel that it might not fit my plans.

Try to look into some franchise in your area. It could save you time and money. Just my opinion..:)
A very good shop roaster for exactly that purpose is the Coffee-Tech Solar roaster. It's a small 2kg electric and automatic roaster that produce surprisingly good and very consistent roasts wich is very important for a shop. I did start my business with one but i do not use it since many months because it is too slow. The reason it is very slow is that most of the cooling is done in drum. 8min cooling in drum if memory is good. Otherwise i don't know if i could find an other negative aspect and CTE are great peoples to deal with.
The Hottop, Quest M3 and Huky are all good home machines to learn the art of roasting - none are really designed for commercial volume use. If I was only roasting for my own coffee shop I would purchase a 1-3K commercial machine.
Good Roaster Good Coffee :))

Hi guys:grin:,

I'm opening a coffee shop in less than a year time. Where I live there is very little if not no roasters at all. I want my coffee shop to stand out. As a result, I should provide excellent coffee to my customers.

I cannot import roasted coffee because by the time the roasted coffee arrives, it would have lost its flavour and many of its characteristics. Hence, I'm planning to roast my own coffee for my coffee shop usage (not for wholesale business).

It's very challenging to choose a roaster machine apart from hundreds of types. Also, I'm very confused with what size shall I go for. I know roasting is not that easy. However, I'm doing a lot of research about it and getting a lot of the basics and might join some courses.

What do you guys recommend from your experience. If it is only for coffee shop usage I thing the common sense would be to go for not a commercial roaster (big machine). However, I have very little experience in this field and would like your assistance please.

Through some research I came up with this one.
Hottop KN-8828B-2-K+ Digital Drum Roaster. However, I feel that it might not fit my plans.

Hi my idea if you do not have right roaster better to not start to roast. I know some technical guys in Michigan I can give you their contacts
What do you think, did you see Italian saller from Salerno, Tosta Cafe - Professional Coffe Roasters , Mini Series, I think it is perfect beter of what I seen ever, there is a video on youtube you will find it: Tosta+Cafe+Roaster+YouTube