Help please: Jura E8 lower piston removal


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Jun 10, 2021
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I'm dismantling my Jura Capressa E8. I've removed and mostly dismantled the brew group, but I'm having trouble removing the lower piston head. Videos I've seen show people just pressing it out from beneath, but mine seems to be stuck in home position (that is, at the bottom of the housing). The six white gears/cogs around the shaft don't seem to move, and I can't push it up. Any suggestions how to fix this? If I remove the compressor cup, it would enable me to access the white gears, but I'm not sure I can remove that with the piston head still in place
You have to entirely dismantle the brew group. There should be a rod at the bottom holding into place with 2 “C” clips. Remove the “C” clips and push the rod out. This will allow you to move the mechanism out of the way so you can remove lower piston.