New grinder recomendation


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Dec 16, 2013
Nashville, TN
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I need some recommendations for a new grinder. First, I currently have a 6 year-old Krups GVX burr grinder. Dang thing won't die! My issue with it is I get too much dust and fine grindings when I set it for medium to coarse grinds.

Here are my needs for a new grinder:

I will only be grinding for a Chemex pot and French press. No espresso.

Size. It needs to be on the small size as our kitchen is small with limited counter space. I have to put it up after each use. The Capresso Infinity would seem a good fit for my space limitation.

I usually grind only once a day. Never more than two times. I only grind enough for 3-5 cups each grinding.

I want quality grinder but costs should be reasonable for my limited use.

I'm leaning to a manual grinder like a Zassenhaus but have no experience with one so I'd really like thoughts on using one daily.

EDIT TO ADD: Does anyone have any experience with these manual grinders?

They look cool but I don't get a good feeling about their quality.
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Dec 19, 2013
Chicago, IL
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I would second the recommendation for the Baratza Encore... They are a great product, I even sell them in my shop... I've had my Baratza at home for 4 years now and it grinds just as good as it did when I bought it USED!...

I have heard good reviews about the Capresso Infinity, but I've never actually used one...
Do not buy the Cuisinart Supreme... It's super static-y...

If you're worried about size constraints and want to go manual I would recommend looking at one of the following options:

Hario Skerton
Hario Mini mill
Porlex JP-30
Porlex Mini

I've tinkered with all of them and they do a great job... However, the issue I have found with hand grinders is that you don't have a completely consistent crank rate and this can lead to a wider variance of particle size than you will see in a motorized grinder such as the Encore...

I have a grinder similar to the ones in the Texas Coffee Grinders link, and while they are pretty, the one I have doesn't perform well enough for me to use... But I have no experience with ones specifically from Texas Coffee Grinder Company so this is just stylistic speculation...

Good luck in your shopping around!

Chris Zimmerman
Co-Owner/Operator Ellipsis Coffeehouse
Chicago IL


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Dec 16, 2013
Nashville, TN
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Thanks guys. The Encore is on my list to consider. After watching some videos with various hand grinders, I've decided I don't want to fool with one for daily use.

I just found and watched this video of a comparison test that includes the Encore and the Infinity with a coarse grind.

Compare: Entry Level Grinders - YouTube

I'd love to test the two of them with my favorite coffee and the Chemex.

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