Hey friends! I’m hoping to start a coffee truck in the next 6 months and am hoping to get some feedback on the starting process. Particularly in the equipment (both coffee and truck) as well as just general coffee advice like how to navigate the industry. I’m in an area with a lot of coffee shops and very few food/beverage trucks of any kind and don’t want to ruffle any feathers. Ik the city I’m in is tougher on mobile food industry but I’m ready to take it on.
Would love your advice on getting started with equipment search, coffee wholesale buying, and becoming a part of the coffee community. Thanks all!

There are some helpful threads here to get you started:
https://www.coffeeforums.com/threads/new-in-the-coffee-shop-business.23800/#post-126632 - most helpful
https://www.coffeeforums.com/thread...beans-is-it-worth-it.23801/page-2#post-127154 - also helpful
https://www.coffeeforums.com/thread...-trade-coffee-on-instagram.19261/#post-126629 - when you start using social media to get the word out this could help.
I'd recommend speaking to the businesses candidly about what it's like working there, how business is etc to get an idea of how you can start. I doubt they'd mind another person starting a similar business (make the convo about them over you if that makes sense), you will have to find your own usp too that'll prevent any feather ruffling!
As you'll find from the threads above you have to be mega passionate about coffee over everything else as it will take time for it to be profitable, if you're eager for the journey then you're on the right track.
Google is your friend too.
My recommendation for your next steps: (in brackets, estimated time effort)
1. Review the above threads. (1 day)
2. Clearly right down why you want to do this and whether the worst-case scenario (whatever that is for you) would stop you, if not what is it that would keep you going through the hard times? (2 days - easy but takes some thought hence 2 days)
3. Check google & youtube for any questions you have eg equipment, costs, wholesale beans. Come back here if you have any concerns/questions. (1 week max)
4. Review costs and create a business plan. (1 week max)
5. Go for the top, set a goal to be better than the local coffee businesses in 3 categories and go go go! (2 weeks - 1 month to get equipment etc. depending on your financial situation it may take longer)
Tips for cheaper equipment: These forums have marketplaces, united barista has some commercial equipment, leasing from websites that are reputable, your local businesses may have insights. Auction houses too. (do your due diligence before purchasing anything).
Maintenance is insanely important, if this doesn't become daily practice it could sabotage your progress.
I'm sure others will have tips too who are actually in the business.
This is my understanding from the outside, I've bought machines from auction houses, gumtree and sold some, however I decided against starting a coffee business due to my own reasons - i have passion for making coffee not selling it and my mind is on other business ventures.
Let me know how this goes, I wish you good luck!