Please Help Settle My Coffee Business Concern.....


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Jan 22, 2020
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Am I wrong? I've owned a Drive-Thru Espresso Stand for some 16 years now, in a small town with plenty of competition. I work 7 days a week and everyday some new situations has to be dealt with. I see myself as an entrepreneur and try to think outside of the box. I'm not lazy and dream of success, while I can't say that for my family member business partner who sees the business as more of a Social Club.

So here is my concern. We have a POS system and sometimes I include a register receipt coupon. Because our minimum wage just went to $13.50 per hour, I had to end my .50 cents OFF next purchase receipt coupons and replaced the coupon with an image of our Gift Card/ Gift Cards Available Here, using the receipt as a sort of suggestive sales tool. We also have a customer rewards/points program, so I had to drop something and chose the receipt coupons, because I was giving away too much! We're a One Off and not some corporate giant. I guess what I'm saying is we're more relaxed with staff who enjoy several laid-back perks like music and cell phone use. BUT, as soon as I stopped our receipt coupons, several of my staff object to handing out register receipts to customers. I'm not sure why but believe it's because they're lazy? I feel every receipt should be handed to customers with change for many reasons, just like at any other business does. I buy something, I get a receipt- Right? When staff object I respond you don't have to force the customer to take a receipt, I tell them just hand it out and if a customer says no thanks, then toss the receipt. But don't start asking every customer if they want their receipt, because I want to see receipts going out my windows, regardless of a coupon on them or not. Because the coupon is now gone, staff are looking for a reason not to hand receipts out, whereas before were eager to hand out the coupon receipts, because they felt customers might tip more?

But my business partner seems to side with my staff. It's easier just not to hand out receipts. But I see that as a problem because, what employee objects to handing out receipts? One possibility is a Thief! I've seen it all and memorizing prices and not ringing orders up is one trick they utilize. So when I know receipts are going out, most likely the order was rung up and paid for. Handing out receipts also reduces customer order and change returned errors and lastly in a small way my receipts sell whatever I choose to promote on them. With a receipt the customer can show they paid for a 24oz drink, but only received a 22oz and so on. Another problem I have is employees and my partner like to ring up and collect for orders after the drinks have been handed out the window. I could just scream! Some customers just drive off without paying because everyone forgot to ring up. Perhaps on purpose? Plus ringing up after the fact eliminates all upselling! But this is another topic!

I just don't get it. Were I an employee at my business I would automatically hand out receipts. No one would have to tell me to do the obvious. I feel staff who try not to hand out receipts are possibly stealing from me. Otherwise why such objections to my request of handing out all receipts? To me this is a No-Brainer! But what really hurts is my business partner seems to side with staff on this. We argue about handing out receipts or not and I tell her I do not understand why you do not get why I want them handed out? I'm tired of fighting staff on basic job duties I request and want to start enforcing my policies, even to the point of firing. I really would appreciate some input. Am I wrong about the handing out of all sales receipts? Or are my partner and staff more with it these days? Remember we're a drive-thru only. Thanks.


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Aug 14, 2003
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I am with you. I would stick to my guns. If they are that adamant about not handing out receipts, the first thing I would assume would be theft. Lastly you partner should side with you. Your employees shouldn't know that you 2 don't agree on something. Do you have a policy book? If you do make it a policy and if they do not comply go through the motions of termination. If you do not have a policy need one.


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Feb 28, 2008
Near Philadelphia, PA
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Hello Cabochris,

I can certainly understand your concerns regarding the cash register receipts.

Are you using thermal paper in your cash register??

If so, here's one more thing to think about:

In the café where I work, they stopped handing out the receipts. The main reason is because the thermal paper has been found to have toxic chemicals, and it is recommended that if you don't have to handle the receipts, it's better in the long run. Many people don't want the receipts for that reason. Also, it's not good for the employees to have to handle so much thermal paper during the day. I'm happy about not giving out receipts for that reason and also because now I don't have to change the thermal paper roll in the cash register as often.

If you do a Google search you will see a lot of articles about it. Here is one of them:

I can see your concern about people not ringing up the sales and pocketing the money. Do you have security cameras aimed at the cash register? Just knowing that they're being watched and recorded is usually enough to make employees "more honest."

What's important is that you and your partner need to agree on a policy and stick to it. Whatever you decide is what the employees have to do. Those who don't like it can give up their $13.50 an hour job and go work someplace else.

~ Rose


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Aug 14, 2003
Boca Raton
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Here are some great inexpensive cameras. I added them to my ring set up. I can see all access points to my home anywhere I am. I also have one in the roastery. Quality of picture is great for only $25!


Well-known member
May 11, 2014
Kansas City
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Yea - something certainly feels off about the situation. In all of my years, I have never heard of a big issue about giving out receipts. At minimum digital receipts should be offered. Regarding the ringing up drinks after... that would stop immediately in my business. That's just got process flow.. period.