Best coffee pot for me?


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Oct 26, 2012
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I've been using a keurig with a reusable k-kup. It make great coffee, but only a cup at a time. I recently tried using a drip coffee maker, a cheap machine I borrowed from someone, and it tasted horrible. I'm no expert, but I assume that the paper filter removes alot of the good stuff.

I've been considering a french press, but I know nothing about them. Whats an inexpensive way to make great coffee?


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Jun 13, 2012
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A french press, aeropress or even a pourover is a great way to make great coffee. You can search this site for more detailed info on these methods. All 3 types have pros and cons, so it is just a matter of preference. Some of the more important things when using any of these is fresh coffee,water, temperature and grinder. The paper filter extracts some of the oils that are there when brewing in these styles so that is just a very small portion of the whole process.

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