Best refrigerator for storing milk gallons?


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Apr 13, 2014
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We have a small drive-through with very limited space. Currently we have a True TUC-48 undercounter fridge for milk. With just gallons, we can get 26 gallons in there easily, or fit 2-4 more with some work. However it seems like there's a lot of dead/wasted space. We're growing and looking to buy another fridge. I've been trying to get dimensions online, but inside dimensions are hard to find. Has anyone found an undercounter fridge that can really hold a lot of gallons?


New member
Apr 13, 2014
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I couldn’t find interior dimensions online for almost any manufacturer except for Turbo Air. I ended up taking an afternoon and a tape measure to some of the local restaurant supply places and just measuring what they had in stock.

For regular undercounter fridges, MaxxCold, Everest and Kelvinator all have a better layout that allows for 3 rows of milk gallons on the top shelf compared to True which only has room for 2 rows top and bottom. However, I don’t know how their durability compares to True.

Based on price we decided to keep our current undercounter fridge and add an upright, basically like you’d see at a gas station or convenience store. For $1500 the True GDM-12 will hold 36 gallons.

If you are shopping for an undercounter, the style with the refrigeration unit on the side rather than the back will hold 40-60% more gallons of milk for only 20-25% more length.