Brand new to coffee and I have questions


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Jan 27, 2022
Upstate New York
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So...what were the major differences in taste? What could you pick out of the coffee with the pour over that you couldn't with the conventional pot? I guess I'm asking what makes pour over better?
No difference in taste. The goose neck just allows more accurate pouring. I use a Hario Air, under $15 bucks and every bit as accurate a pour as the goose neck.


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Jan 27, 2022
Upstate New York
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I love my Keurig. I discovered that if you limit the water to 6 oz. per K-cup, and buy good coffee, you will get something that tastes real good.

For the reusable K-cups, if you grind relatively fine, and again no more than 6 oz of water, the coffee can be great.

A lot of folks hate the pods, but with a little care they can be great. And real convenient. I can have a K-cup brewed and ready while still waiting for 60 grams of beans to grind. I often do, actually.

Culturalist Press

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May 14, 2022
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I think if you like the ease of Keurig and the general flavor profile of sweeter/cream, I would go with light or medium roasts. They have high caffeine and taste great. I would also recommend pour over for ease of cleaning