Green coffee US prices

The green coffees I've been selling at Green Coffee Buying Club - Index range from$3.65/lb. for a Colombian to $4.72/lb. for a Panama.

Two caveats are the 5lb. minimum and the additional shipping/insurance, which for England would be $60 for a 15lb. flat-rate box. I suspect your location and the bean prices you're seeing are all inflated because of shipping.
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Interesting, the price you mention for the Colombian come out at about £4.50/kg thats a lot cheaper than what i pay, however i only buy 1kg lots to roast at home, at about £9.50/kg.

As you say though, shipping is the killer!
Holy crap...I'm moving to GB to sell green coffee!! Is there a lot of places to buy green over there? Find a local roaster and see if he is open to selling you some greens. I sell to home roasters at basically cost. Just one thing...don't try to educate the roaster or tell him he is doing something wrong because you read something on the internet. They get a bit upset when that happens. ;)
Topher hates when people tell him how to roast LOL :decaf::decaf::decaf::decaf::decaf::decaf::decaf::decaf::decaf:

It is always good to help out the small local guy. Getting from a local roaster can help you perfect your beans.
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That price is from roasters who also sell the greens.

You can get it cheaper if you buy bulk, but not always a great option if you only consume 500g a week.

I think if i purchased 50kg i could get it for about £5/kg
Does anyone want to go in on a container of columbian green bean? I could get a good deal on the shipping and handle the warehousing and distribution in Atlanta
Hey guys these links are really helpful!! I've been looking for some cool coffee varieties and thanks God I came across your thread. I'm actually looking to buy a new coffee machine for my kitchen since my maid broke my previous coffee maker last week and my wife is like so happy to get rid of it. She hates coffee and we always keep arguing on whether we should have it or not. I've checked a couple of websites like | Start Your Day Fully Perked Up that give a lot of nice reviews on coffee machine brands and reviews on coffees too and I was thinking it would be great to buy from them.