I love coffee


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Jun 19, 2009
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I am up to my neck in morons.

People in my office: "We don't like coffee", "if i'm going to have a coffee I want milk and 2 sugars", "I don't taste the difference between that coffee and this coffee, they all taste the same", "I prefer Nescafe Gold, it's easier on my stomach".


I sit here with a cup of 'Taylors of Harrogate - Lazy Sunday blend' just wishing and praying that I could be on the side of Blue Mountain in Jamaica alongside one of the most recognised coffee plantations in existance, breathing in the fresh air, smelling the aroma from the freshly OFF THE PLANT bean being roasted by experienced and wise roasters.

I want to be amongst good hearted Mexican farmers dedicated to making their coffee the best it can be allowing me to participate in the hard but rewarding labour of upkeeping the crops and picking the most fantastic fruit I have ever known to exist.

I want to feel my hand delve into the depths of a pile of freshly roasted coffee beans and dreaming of what the coffee will taste like.

I want to be with people who sip coffee and talk about it for hours.

I want to be with people who understand that a good.. fresh.. cup of freshly ground coffee with NO SUGAR, NO MILK and no annoying, frustrating and damn right AGHHHH stupid design on the side of the cup is the best cup of coffee you can have.

I don't want caramel, I don't want chocolate, I don't want ice.. I WANT A FRESH CUP OF coffee served by someone who knows what the hell they are doing....

So here is my announcement...

I LOVE COFFEE... someone please save me from this wretched un-coffee-educated place.

Coffee is an art, it is a lifestyle.. I just wish it was my lifestyle :(
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Sounds like a plan!

haha. You buy the travel ticket and i'll come work for you as long as I get coffee lol. and aslong as we can spend 99.9% of the day talking.. about coffee.
There are office machines out there now that grind and brew a cup on demand.

I have visited such a vendor. The coffee is pretty good. The bean is your choice. If you should so desire, the machine also comes equipped with the ability to dispense up to 2 syrups....... yes high end flavoured coffee.
Sounds like you might want to consider a job change. Whatever job you are currently doing, you might want to take a job in a coffee house. That could be the answer to your problems. You could sit around and drink coffee all day long and talk about coffee. Or even better, get a job in a bookstore where you could read AND drink coffee all day.
I admire your passion and your yearning for the power of the bean. You can turn your kitchen counter into a coffee shrine with ease, and not too much cash if you hang around forums like this one and coffeegeek.com etc.

As for the cream and sugar issue, hey I am a Canadian Coffee Cupping Championship contender, and I drink endless amounts of Jamaican Blue Mountain, and I like milk and sugar in mine, so whattya gonna do.

Peace brother :)


jimmyt1988 said:
I am up to my neck in morons.

People in my office: "We don't like coffee", "if i'm going to have a coffee I want milk and 2 sugars", "I don't taste the difference between that coffee and this coffee, they all taste the same", "I prefer Nescafe Gold, it's easier on my stomach".


I honestly have the same issue with my office.. No one here likes coffee save for myself and one other worker, the others can't stand the smell of it brewing either. :x

I live on coffee, its my source of power for my body, they say even the smell of a fresh pot makes their acid reflux act up. :? .... I have decided to brew my coffee on the road and just bring in my mug of full steaming hot coffee so that they don't have to smell the steamy goodness and I get to drive to work every day with a boiling hot cup of coffee ready to go.

http://www.12volt-travel.com/power-hunt ... 13142.html
I freaking love that thing, its saved my passion for that little brown bean that I cant live without!
My perspective... that 12 volt drip brewer couldn't possibly make anything really tasty because it's severely underpowered (Max of 600 watts) and takes up to 19 minutes to brew 10 cups. Traditionally you'd want something with a much higher power output (to heat fast and maintain proper temperature throughout the brew cycle) that brews much quicker (5-8 mins MAX).

Your perspective... if it tastes good to you then that's all that matters. Personally I'd invest in a high quality drip brewer/thermal carafe.
Who doesn't love coffee? If they do not then you should question why they don't and whether or not they are truly people that you can associate with! I demand answers of my companions, I demand they love coffee. Thank you for sharing, JoJo and I were entertained!
I totally understand why some folks don't...if I had to drink the perolator stuff my grandparents drank (Maxwell House cans collected on the back porch, for gardening tasks), I wouldn't be a coffee fiend today! LOL!
From morning until evening I always drink coffee, because I really like coffee and always enjoy every fragrance that caused

I love Indonesia coffee