Italian Coffee in Bulk at Low Prices


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Mar 12, 2014
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Hello Everybody!
I am Italian and I just moved to Boston for pursuing a degree.
I am looking from a place in Boston or a website on the Internet where I can buy ground coffee for Moka machines.
Specifically, I would like to buy common Italian brands (Lavazza, Kimbo, Illy, etc) in bulk at low prices.
Any suggestions?

Joseph, welcome aboard. In US, there are many great coffee roasters who actually know what you would like. If you like Lavazza or Illy, you must love dark roasted coffee. There are few great coffee roasters in Boston. I can't think of the names but you can always purchase some of those beans and see if you like them. I am sure you won't regret it. good luck.
I haven't Lavazza in over 15 years. I just remember that a friend served it in her shop until she met me. She wanted me to match the roast...I said why not do better. We did.
you know what...I sat here staring at my monitor trying to remember...this was actually closer to 18 years ago. First year out of being an apprentice. For the life of me I can't remember what I did. . I never liked Lavazza. I find more Americans drink espresso in milk. I think that if you put Lavazza in a latte it comes out more like a cafe au lait. Gets washed out in the milk. That being said it has been well over 15 years since I have tasted it.
For what it's worth, I tried Lavazza, the first sip I spit it out then threw the rest out. Barf, spit, puke, Bozo
Not a fan of Lazazza either, more medium to me, don't think I've seen dark roasted from them. What makes no sense is I don't know about other places but when I was in Chicago Lavazza has a shop there, it's slammed packed. I never cared for them anyway, their beans are nitro packed so their barely passable for drip for about a day, then fall off a cliff and completely stale after that. Went there anyway b/c buddy wanted to and said it was the greatest coffee ever, blah, same nasty stale swill I remember. All the coffee shops/roasters in Chicago and how this place or Charbucks survives is beyond me. Like going to Cali and on Mission Beach there's an insane taco hut with fresh fish tacos, meat you name it, literally across the street is Taco Hell, I mean Bell, and it's busy LOL, and the taco hut is cheaper and faaaaaaaar better and fresher food like real street vendor style.

Took my buddy to Metropolis, he never stepped foot or bought Lavazza again lol :wink: