Looking for a new coffee machine


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Feb 10, 2014
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hi. Well, i have a 100$ coffee machine and i want to upgrade at home to the big guys.
My needs are : making a lots of latte and cappuccino like 6 a day, which i need a good steam pressure and no panarello, yak!
.also I'm very interested about latte art.
Budget 1000 dollar.
Only semi automatic machine.
Hello "shaq"

Have you done any research on your own? Do you have any coffee machines in mind?

Weekends are traditionally slow on the Coffee Forums website, so it may take a little time before you receive a reply to your question.

In the meantime, if go up to the right corner of your screen, you will see a search box. Type in espresso machine for home use and take some time to read some of the threads there.

We also have a forum area where people have written about various machines Coffee and Espresso Machines

You can also do a Google search for espresso machines and you can go to the Sweet Maria's website and read some of the reviews and recommendations there.

Good luck with your search.

What grinder do you have or are you budgeting in a grinder as well? If your stepping up to a real semi-auto machine your going to need an espresso capable grinder. I have a CC1 and Seattle Coffee Gear has a combo CC1/Vario grinder for around 1k, you can get 10% off too.
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I made a huge research, but i didn't said which one cause i want to ask if you were me... Making 6 cappuccino a day.. Which machine would you buy?
Also i have a good grinder don't worry about it.