Made in China Coffee Roasters sold on eBay - (details about quality)


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Jun 21, 2013
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Here's info on the Chinese made coffee roasters on eBay. I was considering one, and I sent a message to a roaster who bought one and they responded when they received it with lots of details. Good info for anyone considering one of these. I decided not to buy because no UL / ETL Listed mark which is required in our city. From what I can find only Diedrich and Toper have the third-party safety certification for USA. Anyway, Here is their message about the Chinese roaster:

I don't know if parts are available in USA, but Mr. Coleman is very responsive to requests (he is the reseller, but not mechanically inclined). I actually had to tear the unit apart before I used it because all the fasteners were loose. Additionally, it was missing two screws that allowed a piece to get bent which I bent back. So my warning is a good roaster from a build strength, but you need to go over it with a fine tooth comb before you use it. Almost every fastener was loose (really loose like 4 to 6 turns) on the unit which would have caused issues in a few months of use.

I haven't contacted Mr. Coleman to mention this obvious defect yet. So, if you are mechanically is a great roaster for the money. Seems to work well and runs very quiet when tight. You have to vent it outside - not an option. I deal with international firms all the time and the part availability was not a huge concern for me. All the motor parts/belts have model numbers on them except the heating element.
I think Mr. Coleman sells North Coffee machine.
They are one of the cheapest machine on I have sent information request form about a year ago and I am still getting their sales pitch about the price.
They seem to be cheaper as months go by. I think last time they offered around $1600 for a 1kg machine. I could be off by few dollars.

I don't think they are bad machine but last time I checked, their 1kg machine electric heating element was too small and won't roast fast enough. So they have up graded to gas.

Again, its always great purchase Chinese roaster for their price but without the tech support, you will be out on your own. If you are comfortable with it, you will buy great machine at great price.

Mill city is now the distributor for NOrth Coffee in US.. He is the third distributor for north coffee and the other two gave up selling them.

I think it would be cheaper to buy from him then trying to import on your own. It won't make much sense import on your own, since the shipping cost will kill you.
For the record, the 1 kg roaster was not $1500. You're thinking of the old version of the 500 gram roaster. North sells exclusively through MCR in the US to make sure guys get the support they need to be successful. The language barrier and some relatively inexperienced buyers led to a couple of initially less than totally favorable reviews that they are loathe to repeat. They obviously couldn't find anybody competent, so you're stuck with me.:)

-and although my wife would strenuously object to the accuracy of Peter's adjective describing my character, I deeply appreciate the sentiment. You guys are welcome to stop in anytime and we might even have walls up next time.

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