Making Latte with Extra Shot Using 1 group Espresso Machine


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Nov 1, 2013
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What is the process of making Lattes when people want 3 or 4 shots.. We have 1 head machine, so we can extra two shots at a time. And I understand that coffee expires in 10 secs after you pull..

So you first use the first two shots then pour milk and then pull two extra shots and pour on top of it?
If you're going to try to pour some art, you'll want to pull two doubles, and the pour the milk.

The 10 second rule may apply for a purist drinking straight espresso, but I wouldn't give it any thought beyond that. Do you have a double-boiler espresso machine where you can steam milk while the shot is extracting? If not, you'd have to violate that silly rule every time, or froth the milk first and let that sit. I just don't think espresso goes bad that quickly, especially since you're going to drown it in milk anyhow.
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If you're going to try to pour some art, you'll want to pull two doubles, and the pour the milk.

The 10 second rule may apply for a purist drinking straight espresso, but I wouldn't give it any thought beyond that. Do you have a double-boiler espresso machine where you can steam milk while the shot is extracting? If not, you'd have to violate that silly rule every time, or froth the milk first and let that sit. I just don't think espresso goes bad that quickly, especially since you're going to drown it in milk anyhow.

I can steam the milk when extracting, but still I would violate the rule right? Since extraction takes longer than 10 seconds... I do the first extraction and then steam the milk and do the second round of extraction...
I can steam the milk when extracting, but still I would violate the rule right? Since extraction takes longer than 10 seconds... I do the first extraction and then steam the milk and do the second round of extraction...

That would work. If it was me on my machine, I'd start the second extraction, and steam the milk while that's happening, but you know your machine best. Watch your microfoam too, to see if it thickens w/ more rest if you froth before the second shot, and let the milk sit a bit.
10 second rule is for the espresso shot drinkers.

After about 10 seconds, espresso will cool down fast. Also lose very delicate flavor you created by pulling perfect shot.
But for the espresso base drinks, it does not make big differences since you are mixing with hot milk and cream.
I'm guessing that people who want 3-4 shots in their Latte's are really looking more for the caffeine jolt than they are for the taste. I bet you could do each shot one at a time, and add the steamed milk last, and he or she won't notice the difference. (They probably load their lattes up with sugar too)
Well I call B.S. on the 10 second rule as there is absolutely NO way espresso can degrade that fast. I've had thousands of doubles and know that a good extraction will be good whether sipped 30 seconds or 10 minutes after the fact. Only thing that will noticeably change is the temperature. My ritual is to use a room temperature heavy wall ceramic demitasse and extract into it, only to let it sit 2-3 mins. to cool down to the perfect temperature for me. There is also some idiotic crap on other coffee forums called the rules of 15... stating fresh ground coffee should sit no more than 15 minutes. Roasted coffee should sit no longer than 15 days. Green coffee should sit no longer than 15 months. There are WAY too many variables involved in coffee to even begin to spout out rules. When the newbies read into the "God shot" fantasy land inhabited by the coffee tards on other forums many are scared away because of the perceived nearly unobtainable process known as espresso. There is certainly an art form to achieving good espresso consistently, but it sure isn't rocket science or even close to it.

I don't think most of us will gulp down 175 degree hot espresso.
And I agree with you about 10 second rules but I do believe there are some people who swear there is difference on taste after 10 or little longer.

This is my opinion.

One day i was craving for espresso and I went to one of those independent coffee shop. I ordered my espresso and they came out in a 10 oz paper cup and it was cold.
You can imagine the taste of the espresso.

I believe 10 second rule was created by store owner try to emphasize the importance of serving hot espresso.
I really doubt there are big differences between 10 seconds to 2 mins. But I do hate cold espresso in my mouth.....
Any shop owner that serves espresso in a 10 oz. cup should be throat punched anyway, lmao. We were mobile in business and all drinks were in to-go cups, but our customers appreciated the fact that we served our espresso in proper 4 oz. sample cups and of course no lid. Some of my favorite regulars even got to use my personal shot glasses/ceramic demitasse. Some may be turned off to that, but not a problem for me. They were more than just customers, but lifelong friends through good coffee. A simple wash/sanitize and good to go again.
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Any shop owner that serves espresso in a 10 oz. cup should be throat punched anyway, lmao. We were mobile in business and all drinks were in to-go cups, but our customers appreciated the fact that we served our espresso in proper 4 oz. sample cups and of course no lid. Some of my favorite regulars even got to use my personal shot glasses/ceramic demitasse. Some may be turned off to that, but not a problem for me. They were more than just customers, but lifelong friends through good coffee. A simple wash/sanitize and good to go again.

I was pretty pissed off when I saw how they were serving espresso.
At the same time, my friend ordered cappuccino and it took about 9 seconds to pull 2 shots and they weren't even using the tamper properly. But the cappuccino didn't taste that bad. (they were using Nuova Simmonelli Aurelia) I gave credit to the machine. Not the barista who was working behind the counter. And barista asked if my friend wanted more foam or milk. DUh~~~~~~