New member, long time coffee drinker


New member
I just found this forum and I figured I would introduce myself. My name is Steve and I live in the Shenandoah Valley (the part of it that is in West Virginia). I will be 61 years old in June and my father started me drinking coffee back when I was about 4 years old.
Anyway, what brought me here is that I became interested in roasting my own coffee and while doing research I have found all these forums. I ordered a small entry level roaster and some sample beans and I am anxiously awaiting the arrival.

I am not supposed to be drinking any caffeine at all due to a very severe case of pancreatitis that I suffered back in 2012, so I cut back from my normal 5 to 6 pots of what ever I could find to one to two cups of coffee a day (along with an occasional pot of loose leaf tea). I figured that if I can only drink a very small amount of coffee then I would try to make each cup the very best possible.

There is a new coffee shop that opened near us recently and the owner roasts all his own beans for sale in the shop. I fell in love with his massive antique roaster and his tales of starting out as a hobbyist roaster, so I figured I would give it a shot myself.

I am looking forward to learning a lot from you all and joining in on the companionship these forums afford. The other forums I frequent are Badger and Blade and the Fedora Lounge. I am also a long time pipe smoker (don't tell my doctor... I was supposed to give that up too).
Hello "stevew443" (Steve)

Welcome to the Coffee Forums website.

What kind of entry level roaster did you order? I can just imagine how anxious you are to receive it.

I also imagine that it's going to be difficult for you to cut back on your coffee intake once you start roasting your own beans. You're probably going to want to sample everything you roast.

I hope you have a lot of fun exploring your new roaster. Feel free to ask questions on this Forum. We have a lot of experienced roasters here.

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Thank you for the welcome, Rose.
I ordered a Nesco roaster. It is supposed to arrive by Thursday evening and I hope to play with it before I have to go to work (I work night shift... try doing that on only one cup of coffee).
My wife is going to be my tester and primary audience for my roasting experiments. I also will most likely flood the forum with stupid and inane questions, but how else does one learn?

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Thank you for the welcome poorperson1. I also drink coffee every day, and I do not like coffee... I LOVE coffee. I love coffee black with no sugar. I love your alias too. I think it could fit my situation :)

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Thank you, smalltowngirl and mariank for the welcome.
I finally got my Nesco and I am like a man possessed, roasting small batches of coffee every day and sampling my one cup a day. The difference between the coffee I had been drinking before and the coffee I am now roasting makes it seem as if I never had coffee before.
Hello Steve,

Congratulations! It sounds like you're enjoying your new coffee roaster.

What kind of coffee beans did you get to start off with?

Have you been letting the roasted beans rest and degas before making coffee, or have you been diving in and making the coffee right away?

As the days go by, if you have any roasting questions, feel free to post them in the Coffee Roasters forum area.

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I got a sampler batch from Sweet Maria and the only 2 coffees that I have tried so far have been Burundi Kirimiro Teka and Guatemala Finca Candelaria. The coffees are very different from each other.
Of course I had to dive right in and try each right out of the roaster, but I made several batches that can rest and degass. I am drinking a pre-work cup of Kirimiro Teka as I type this right now and loving every sip. I can see that this hobby is going to be a bit expensive :) I have already ordered a new burr grinder because the old blade grinder just does not give me a grind I am happy with. The blade grinder was good enough for the store roasted coffees I once drank, but I want my own roasted coffee to be ground just right ;-)

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I use the Nesco in the kitchen and it creates no smoke at all. I get a slight aroma when the beans are getting close to being fully roasted, and the upstairs of the house smells like fresh coffee, but there is no smoke at all. I am very happy with the Nesco. Of course I have nothing else to compare it to.
