Picking a pressie


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Dec 16, 2013
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Total noob here.

My wife has asked her sister for an Espresso machine for Christmas. Since said sister is already getting wifey a new car stereo it's down to me to get the coffee machine.

I had no idea there were so many choices and that you could easily spend over £450 on a domestic machine!

My budget is more like £70-£80 and I've narrowed it down to these three
  • Nescafe KP301040 Dolce Gusto
  • De'Longhi Dolce Gusto Genio 2
  • Krups KP220840 Nescafe Dolce Gusto

I'd LIKE to get her one of the Pixie machines but I fear they're just too expensive.

Other than any suggestions you might have to help me decide, my main question is this: do they all take the same kind of capsule? In the videos and the photos online some look bigger than others...

My head hurts. :decaf:

I should add that my wife's preferred coffee is a cappuccino. For our younger daughter's sake it would be cool if the chosen machine could also make a hot chocolate.

Any help gratefully received.




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Feb 28, 2008
Near Philadelphia, PA
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Did your wife tell her sister what kind of espresso machine she would like to have? It was nice of her sister to buy a new car stereo. It was probably easier for her to select the stereo than it was to select an espresso machine.

Another member of this forum is considering buying this machine for his wife. It also froths the milk.

Take a look. It may be something your wife would like too. Keurig RIVO Brewer ? QVC.com



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Dec 16, 2013
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better go with "Krups KP220840 Nescafe Dolce Gusto" that is better than others
Thanks, yes, strange looking beast though it is (it reminds me of the depiction of Marvin the Paranoid Android from the movie version of The Hitchhikers Guide To The Galaxy) that's the one I'm erring towards.


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Feb 28, 2008
Near Philadelphia, PA
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Your wife may like the Krups KP220840 Nescafe Dolce Gusto, and since it's within your budget, it's worth a try. Be sure to stock up on lots of extra pods too, because you're going to need them.