Salt or not to add salt


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Mar 17, 2012
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I watched a re-run of an Alton Brown breakfast special where he suggest to sprinkle a touch of salt on the coffee grinds just before brewing. He said the salt stimulates the taste buds and helps to remove some bitterness.

All of the suggestions I've seen to make "perfect cup of coffee" don't suggest salt.

Does anyone use salt on a regular basis?
~ It's been a long time since I've thought about the topic of salt in coffee. I've known people to either put a pinch of salt in the water before brewing, or add it to the ground coffee. I've never tried it.

There is a lot of information on the Internet about whether or not the salt does anything productive regarding improving the taste of the brewed coffee. I did a quick search, and here is one of the websites that helps to explain it. Salt in Coffee - Why People Add Salt to Coffee - Does Salt in Coffee Reduce Bitterness?

It will be interesting to read what the other members of this Coffee Forum say.

Huh, I've never heard that before. Now it makes sense why in Ethiopia it is common to serve salted popcorn with coffee. Maybe it's just used to "correct" bitter coffee and a perfect cup wouldn't need it.