SCAA Membership? Is it worth it?


New member
Jul 3, 2012
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Hello everyone,

I was wondering what the benefits are of being a SCAA member? I have a friend in Korea interested in becoming a member for his business. I did visit their website and did read about the discounts members receive, the networking, access to information, as well as a few other benefits but did not answer some of my questions. Is it worth it for someone in the coffee industry to be a member, especially if the individual does not reside in the US? Also is there a difference in the benefits (such as membership fees, etc.)? Are there events for professional development, as well as networking in Korea as well? Would someone else be able to attend these events in the US on behalf of my friends business? I would appreciate all help pertaining to the matter at hand. Thank you.

My best,

Not sure about alot of your questions but I can comment on SCAA membership in US/Canada. I am a member and have enjoyed alot of the free/discounted benefits. If you get a chance to take in a trade show you can go to quite a few seminars that are very helpful/insightful. They also have a huge library and other information. I would highly recommend it for anyone in the specialty coffee business. As far as your other questions, as PinkRose said it would benefit you the most by contacting SCAA directly as I don't believe anyone will be able to answer your questions.
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Hi all,
Please someone answer Cafe316's question. I am wondering about the same thing especially
since I am here on the West coast, SoCal.

Thanks for the support. I hope your questions regarding this matter get answered as well.:coffeemug:
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Hello Rose and Brian,

I appreciate the responses. Definitely helpful as well. Thanks.:coffeemug:
I like the mag they send out. I also like the credibility it brings. I'd say it's worth it, though if I'm honest I debate sending the money at least once a year. But I never regret it later.