Starting a new business and looking for advice.


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Oct 12, 2015
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Hi everyone. I am in the process of drafting a business plan to start up a drive through coffee stand. I am mainly looking for tips and advice on here. What are some things that you wish you could have or would have done different when you first started up... what was the hardest part for you when you first started. Also i am looking into the production part of everything too ( how much coffee do you produce on the average day). How much should i have stocked up when i am starting out just to be on the safe side. i would also like to get an idea on what type of coffee and espresso makers to buy and of what size i should buy too. Any kind of advice is welcome i am here to learn. Thank you in advance for the advice.
i do run internet retail online.My niche is all about coffee.Beginning is always hard,but when customers begin to know you, your store then everything comes easier.
Hi everyone. I am in the process of drafting a business plan to start up a drive through coffee stand. I am mainly looking for tips and advice on here. What are some things that you wish you could have or would have done different when you first started up... what was the hardest part for you when you first started. Also i am looking into the production part of everything too ( how much coffee do you produce on the average day). How much should i have stocked up when i am starting out just to be on the safe side. i would also like to get an idea on what type of coffee and espresso makers to buy and of what size i should buy too. Any kind of advice is welcome i am here to learn. Thank you in advance for the advice.

Hello "jnewham"

This thread appears to have taken off in a different direction than you intended. Unfortunately, it sometimes happens.

You asked a lot of questions, many of which have been already been discussed in other threads on this Forum.

You may have a better chance of getting some responses to your questions if you post them separately.

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i live in the pacific north west and will be moving down to southern california in the near future
I myself love coffee and would like to share that with my friends.I understand is hard to compete in this online business, but why not to try. Could you give me some advice? Thanks for everybody and enjoy #freshcoffeecup every day.
I myself love coffee and would like to share that with my friends.I understand is hard to compete in this online business, but why not to try. Could you give me some advice? Thanks for everybody and enjoy #freshcoffeecup every day.

okay, here are some advice for you.

what you are selling right now is nothing special. anyone can get them in super market stores at probably lower pricing. you have to think about "why do customers want to buy from you". Specially, coffees... you can even get them at 99 cent stores.

please think about this.
1. offer something that others do not have.
2. offer them at lower cost & faster delivery
3. fresher coffee than other on-line companies which means, you need to roast them.
4. get something unique green coffees and roast and offer them.
5. give as much details and info as possible about the coffee you are selling (again, I am talking about specialty coffee, not folger's or maxwell...etc), where they are coming from, which farms, how it is being roasted...etc (i hope that you know how to roast coffee.... but probably not)
6. offer incentives, discounts, coupons, free delivery at certain q'ty, membership for some benefits...etc

I know that you are just starting out, but if you are planning to sell something so common, it will be a lot more difficult to market them.