Suggestions Please : How to buy a used/refurbished commercial roaster...


Mar 5, 2018
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A question for those of you who have/had an established roasting business...

As I am starting to locate commercial roasters for sale, I am realizing that this process is not as simple as buying a used car. Every roaster I find has been disassembled. How do i know it works and is worth the asking price?

So if you were to buy a used/refurbished roaster, what would your checklist be for inspecting this unit? Also, what resources would you use to judge the value of that particular unit?

Should I consider new? Pros/cons?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!
A question for those of you who have/had an established roasting business...

As I am starting to locate commercial roasters for sale, I am realizing that this process is not as simple as buying a used car. Every roaster I find has been disassembled. How do i know it works and is worth the asking price?

So if you were to buy a used/refurbished roaster, what would your checklist be for inspecting this unit? Also, what resources would you use to judge the value of that particular unit?

Should I consider new? Pros/cons?

Any feedback is greatly appreciated!

I remembered that, once upon a time, we had a thread about buying a used coffee roaster. I found it, but even though there aren't many posts there, you may find some useful information in the posts (as you scroll through them).

This is the link to the thread:

Also, if you do a Google search for " How to buy a used coffee roaster" you will see all sorts of information to explore

Maybe some of our experienced coffee roasters will be able to give you some more suggestions soon.

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I remembered that, once upon a time, we had a thread about buying a used coffee roaster. I found it, but even though there aren't many posts there, you may find some useful information in the posts (as you scroll through them).

This is the link to the thread:

Also, if you do a Google search for " How to buy a used coffee roaster" you will see all sorts of information to explore

Maybe some of our experienced coffee roasters will be able to give you some more suggestions soon.


Honestly, the "once upon a time" part is the most fun. If you have any suggestions on what sort of location to house my base of operations, that would be helpful as well, Rose. Being in Connecticut, I would have to imagine whatever I choose should have consistent climate control for the varying temp/humidity we experience here to limit the first year learning curves in roasting.

I also just registered for a week long roasting seminar at the School of Coffee in Vermont next month to gain exposure to different sized roasters, and better understand the science of the craft.

I love reinventing myself. Makes life so much more interesting.
I would go back to your original idea with the Artisan roasters. I have the Artisan 6. With a little customization, it is a fabulous roaster. I have a commercial kitchen set up in my garage. With coffee, you really only need a hand washing sink and SS tables. I'm in NJ and the laws are very prohibitive. I've had no issue.