What should we do to open a pet coffee shop?


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I've recently found that coffee shop for pet in Vietnam is very potential. There is very few shop of this kind throughout the country. To those who used to visit Vietnam, you definitely know the poor situation for pets (dogs and cats) in Vietnam. However, Vietnamese youngsters are now more and more concerned on taking their pets like Westerners. And I believe that coffee shops for pets in Vietnam will be boomed some day. But, to open a pet coffee shop seems difficult and complicated. What must we prepare to build and run a successful coffee shop for pet?
WS...there is a successful restaurant chain here in the US called Lazy Dog Cafe. Although it isn't a coffee house, it is a very successful concept. Google it...it is in Southern California, started in my hometown of Orange California.
Also keep in mind in places with pet cafes like vietnam and korea their pet laws are more lax and very different than the ones we have here in the us ( not that i specifically know what they are)
Once again, the scenario is that there is a proven market of pet owners that would patronize cafe's and restaurants that allow pets. To make this work, and not drive away non-pet owning customers, Lazy-Dog Cafe does not allow pets into the building. They have expansive patios with fire pits and propane heating canopy's (during colder months) to accommodate their pet owning patrons. It is a great concept, and one that I cannot benefit from as my little dog is a pint sized mutt with a ten gallon attitude, and my pit bull rescue mutt is a teddy bear, but a total spaz, and I would not be able to control the chaos that ensues.
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Not regarding the current situation of pets (dogs & cats) in Vietnam as a whole, things are changing in big cities of Vietnam. Today, on classified websites in Vietnam, there are many online spaces for pet-related businesses. It can be a space for posts of selling & buying pets for those who love to own a pet at home. The country also has convenient stores which sell food and toys for pets such as PetCity dot VN. This is a serious business idea as more and more Vietnamese people are willing to pay more for their pets. Last week, my aunt had paid $200 to buy a Russian cat. It is not difficult to find some one those who pay $1,000 to get a new dog. And, many cases of dognapped have been reported so far. Therefore, a space for pet lovers to gather with their pets can work.
After working many years in various coffee shops, I've witnessed how many people don't bother to clean up after themselves and their kids when they make a mess. I imagine those same people wouldn't bother cleaning up after their pets, which in turn leaves the lowly coffee shop employee to do the dirty work. I just think it's a bad idea all the way around.
Hey Rose, I understand your perspective. Perhaps this is counter-intuitive, but with 19 locations, and beautiful high-profile locations at that, Lazy Dog is anything but a flash-in-the-pan phenomenon. Been going to the one in my hometown for years. Never seen any issues with dog droppings being left unattended. I'm sure many of the patrons would be embarrassed to not clean up after their pets, and the waitstaff understand that dealing with it comes with the territory if they want a job at a nice, well patronized restaurant where they can make $100.00 or more per shift just in tips. The founders are a father and son where the father was the founder of another hugely successful concept called Mimi's Cafe. He cashed out and was able to back his son on this new concept. Check it out...it's even on Wikipedia.
Mr. Peaberry,

When you wrote that the waitstaff can make $100 in tips per shift, you got my attention.

I took a look, and I have to admit, the Lazy Dog restaurants are not at all like what I was picturing them to be. I originally imagined non-pet owners having to walk past an outside area full of barking dogs before getting inside the restaurant.

The fact that it's an upscale, spacious restaurant, and not just a coffee shop, makes a huge difference.

And, I'm sure the waitstaff assigned to the pet area would need to be either pet lovers or pet tolerant.

The pet concept appears to be is do-able, but only if it's done right.

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You might be right, Rose. There is a pet coffee shop in our area name AiLu Cat Cafe (can be seen via here). It has a very good sale at the openning. But now it is going to be closed, most probably the shop owners cannot control their guest's pets. Only their branch in Hanoi is now still openning.