3 five year sentances for Sam Phillips


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May 30, 2004
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Many of you are familiar with the story about the guy who tried to pass himself off as a concession trailer/espresso stand builder a while back on this forum.

He has received 3 five year sentances for violation of the consumer protection act and committing fraud. He owes over $50,000 to me and other victims. He gets a looooong time to pay it back, with no interest.

I have tried to get their web site taken down: concessiontrailersUSA.com

If you look at it now they claim they are "out of the concession building business" but would LOVE to offer anyone advice on concession stands. What a bunch of hoooey.

If he doesn't pay us back he'll be making those little license plates behind bars, just like I promised.
I know that the sentence doesn't put money in your pocket, but I am glad to see the American justice system at work (for the most part it does work). I hope you get your money back!
justice system


Just curious, hw much did litigation cost you?

Im not fr the US. jus want to understand tats all!

All the best to your other ventures!
I presume & hope that is 3 5 year sentences in Jail - correct?

It seems these days the prisons are so full- that anything shy of drugs & violent crimes.....are all suspended sentences, with the threat of jail if you do it again.

just curious, and congrats.
wow it is good to see that scammers get justice. I never want this forum as a living ground for scammers be very cautious of people you do business with.

so tlhamzy, the guy is going to jail right? how long of a period does he have to pay you?

I came very close to sending that guy money. I got curious when he stopped returning my e-mails and phone calls. Thank God I saw the previous posting on here about him. I sure hope you get your money back.
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Thanks Everyone!

Thank you all for your posts.

I received a check for $45 last week. Should receive one a month till paid. Woopie... He is out on bail until he fails to make his payments.

I agree about the jails being full. If this guy Sam spent as much energy on making an honest living as he has on being crooked, he'd be prosperous right now.

Glad my posts were able to warn others, thanks for writing that, it made my day.

TL :)