am i all right?


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Dec 3, 2006
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ok... i'm 14... i can have anywhere from 150-400 mg of caffeine per day. i stay up till about 3 am each night, 4 am the max, or 2am the earliest. this is every night. including school nights. i'm 5'11" and 160 pounds, and i get enough exercise.

i am wondering - is this unhealthy? i am heavily concerned that i am going to stop growing or die of some horrible disease.... it's making me hella depressed....and my grades are slipping and school

so is this bad? or am i all right? just concerned...
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thecoroner said:
You should ask a doctor.
well yeah i should..but my parents dont know about this and that'd kinda be hard to do without them knowing

btw it's more like 600-800 mg day, rather than 150-400..i just added it up..
Here are a few things to put in your considerarion bag.

1) Sleep is essential for proper brain development. I do not have the exact figure but you should have at LEAST 8 hrs/night at your age. Do a quick google on the subject.
2) Biochemically and physiologically, your body should be in a 70/30 mix or rest/activity. From what you are describing you are in a overuse situation and will definitely suffer consequences later in life once your body''s genetic metabolism has slowed to a point where there is an imbalance of destruction/regeneration. What consequences??? Chronic fatigue syndrome and fibromyalgia come to mind but I can possibly come up with a few more things if work was not calling me back.
3) 200mg of caffeine per day has been shown to increase 2-3 fold the urine output of calcium. Where do you think the calcium is coming from??? Obviously the major concern with that is premature osteopenia which later develops in osteoporosis. If you are a female, you are doubly at risk because of the estrogen effect.
4) And the list goes on

Conclusion..... Eat calcium rich foods, enjoy a latte once-in-a-while and for Pete''s sake get quality recuprative sleep. If you cannot break the cycle do me a favor and chat with your parents and seek medical assistance. This may be more involved than you think. Do some research on lack of sleep and lack of Stage 4 (R.E.M sleep) and related psychosis.

Not what you wanted to hear I am sure, but a few educated things to put in your overly tired brain.

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