Are 2 lanes a must with a kiosk drive thru?


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Jun 29, 2004
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Hi all - just found you today - very excited. Will hopefully have a lease signed by the end of the week, but need to hear your opinions on this. Do you think lanes in oposite directions on both sides of the kiosk are a must? We cannot, due to traffic flow patterns, have cars on both sides of the kiosk. So, we are looking at having the building (we're doing custom) built so that there are 2 windows on one side for 2 cars, and a walk up window on the other side. So, my plan would be to order and pay at the first window, and pick up at the second. What do you all think? I talked to a few "experts" in the field, but am interested in your opinions too.
:) :)
Hi Susan:

What are the dimemsions of your building? We've done this type of operation in the past and it worked great! It took our existing customers and employees a little getting used to at first, but it caught on and things ran smoothly. I will tell you however, it would be a good idea to get headsets for the employees so the person collecting the money can tell the person on the bar the drink so they can have it made before the customer gets to the next window. This way they can hear one another instead of trying to scream over the noise. Most importantly, I hope you have a great location on the traffic side of the street, otherwise you may be fighting an up hill battle for a little while. By the way our building was 12'X25'. Hope this helps 8)
Oh by the way Susan...I'd be careful about these so-called experts you mentioned in your post. What makes them experts :twisted:
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