Bad Ass Coffee Company


New member
Mar 1, 2006
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Has anyone heard of the Bad Ass Coffee Company? What do you know about it? We are considering buying into a franchise.
I know it well, it was one of the only other places other than starbucks that we could go to in maui. (love maui by the way)

I do have comments for you but I feel it may not be appropriate on a public forum, PM me.
I love Maui as well and Bad Ass Coffee Company was on Maui, HI. Are they on any of the other islands or mainland? I tried their coffee only once so I can't really comment. I think there is another person in this forum from Hawaii and maybe he might ring in on this string if he has been or lives in Maui and knows of Bad Ass Coffee Company?
There is a location in Houston. Dropped by the other day but didn't go in or try them out. Kinda looked goofy to me, what with the fake palm trees and island motif - but I'm after a totally different "look", so my opinion is biased.
basically they are like any other so called coffee franchise, all name not much substance. The great thing about this business is that you can creat your own name and place in your community. Paying for a name in the coffee house business is not worth the expense.

Bad Ass has about 40 stores around the country, last year they wanted to put one in a city in ohio and the city said know because they thought the name was offensive, I don't know what ultimatly happened in the case. But really if you are paying for a franchise it better be damn special.

dispite their claims of the true meaning of their name, I would not take my mom to a place called Bad Ass, sorry
Does the name offend any one else out there? check there website...pretty cool concept. It would work here in AZ, and attract the target market (18-30).
cool concept? target market 18-30 no way in hell you can survive on a limited demographic of 18-30.

sorry, to be blunt but if you are going to open a coffee house and need advice then get a consultant there are alot of good ones on this forum.
The name to me evokes a certain "lowliness." Not much class to the name at all. I guess I am aiming for a different market....

I think you will possibly lose a huge segment of your market just because of the name alone - regardless of their age. Seriously - what comes to your mind when you hear the words "bad ass"? Most likely it is not coffee.

I can tell you as a 40 yr. old mom with three teens who love all things coffee - I would not take them there - you just lost $25 bucks of my money right there....I wonder how many other parents would feel the same way? Just my thoughts....
I agree, the name is tasteless. Whether it was originally meant that way or not, the instant response to that name, Bad Ass Coffee, is not positive.

Tartbird :oops:
Tartbird said:
I agree, the name is tasteless. Whether it was originally meant that way or not, the instant response to that name, Bad Ass Coffee, is not positive.

Tartbird :oops:

Exactily. :grin:


I can't say "never" but it's highly unlikely that I would ever buy a franchise.....I'm not going to pay someone else for the use of their name.
I dont think its tasteles..It is sort of 80's though..sort of reminds me of bad boy club :roll: tasteless would be more like The Coffee Runs...or Mothers Milk
Have you ever read about their company? I believe their intent was to be unique. Well they have definately achieved that :-) Although I may not totally agree with the name of their company, but having 45 or so locations within a 15 year period is pretty impressive. Besides that's the beauty of living in our country, having the right to express ourselves... :-)
It is quite impressive....and "yes" they are unique....that was not the original question one is arguing about the beauty of the freedom to express yourself - the question was asked if we had heard of it and what we thought - so we said what we thought....using our freedom to express ourselves..
Bad Ass

You may want to check out the company, there was a franchise store in Canada and after several years they left the franchise and put their own name on the building, the rumour I heard was that there were problems within the franchise that they were not willing to deal with

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