Bad Customer Stories

We've been open for 2 weeks and so far no problems, other than the SBucks employee who stopped by to spy and changed her mind after the blended drink was made. She was the 3rd local competitor spy to stop in, but the other 2 are drive thru owners (mine is also a drive thru) and they were very nice and even encouraging.
I'm a roaster and I have one particular customer who is only too eager to complain about the blend we send him.

The last complaint read "...the beans you sent were burnt. We spoke to our experienced barista and he says they are 5 mins over roasted."

5 mins over roasted on a full city roast? I would really like to send him some 5 min over roasted beans just to see what he thinks.
Hey NZRoaster...yep, everyone is a critic...I certainly can relate to that! We were working on some samples for an experienced cafe owner in the land of OZ. He had an espresso blend he had been using for quite a few years and wanted us to try and copy it. After tasting the samples the last thing I really wanted to do was put my name on a blend like that. However I sent down a few samples to my guy in Australia to cup with the client. The first round of cupping came back with comments that I was disappointed and slightly confused about...(like are they talking about my beans? The cupping notes they sent back seemed to indicate either they were not my beans or they had no idea what they were talking about). Anyway next time around, just for fun, I sent back in my packaging their original control bean (from their existing roaster) as well as a grade 5 stcks, finger nails and all Lampung Robusta.

The result?- When the guy tried the control sample, what he had been drinking 5 times a day for 15 years, he spat it out and declared it undrinkable. The Lampung robusta....he loved and declared the finest espresso blend he had ever tried!!

It all goes to show- the roaster can go to great lengths to select the best greens he can find. He can blend great espresso blends..... however the cafe owner (or his mystical barista!) always will know best. Hehehe...if you get a chance read Topher's posting about one of his clients blaming oily beans for the demise of the clients grinder!

We- the roaster- certainly have a tougher time than many realise. BTW is there an association of roasters in NZ?
Hey nzroaster...that is pretty funny!! Be careful...their experienced barista might take your job :roll: So how did you respond to this? Did you invite them to the roastery and show them how absurd this was?
WOW!!! an experienced barista/roaster...not many of them around :twisted: That's pretty amazing that this barista can pinpoint the length of roast time. I have one question??? Is this a barista that wants to become a roaster, or is this an ex roaster than became a barista??? In any case...Do the customers like your roast? 8)
I spoke too soon-today the UPS lady made a delivery and decided she'd order a drink. The barista started to make the drink-set up her shots for brewing and was starting to steam the milk when the UPS lady pushed to brew button on the espresso machine!! This is a small stand, so for her to get from the doorway to the machine was 2-3 steps. The barista finished the steaming and dumped the shots...UPS lady says "WHAT are you doing?! Barista explains that we pull shots last and tells her why, etc. UPS lady says "that was very educational". Then she makes rude comments about our location and asks if ANYONE ever stops here!

You can bet that I am calling the local UPS office in the morning! She crossed so many lines...coming into the stand, pushing buttons on a machine that cost thousands of dollars, and she could've caused the barista to be burnt by 197 degree water/coffee!!! Not to mention all the liability and security lines she crossed! I'm fuming!!!!! :x

And I'll have her know that YES people are stopping....we are doubling our first weeks' sales each day :grin:
OUCH!!! :evil: Some people have too much nerve! So where you there to witness this? If so, then this means you have a witness and then you can file a formal complaint. This way you can request another UPS delivery driver. Just a thought :wink:
no, I wasn't there....I live only 3 mins. away and am in and out all day, and it just figures that I happened to be gone when she was there. I will be calling this afternoon, though!!!