Best Home Espresso Machine ~ Suggestions?


New member
Dec 20, 2005
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After much thought, I've set my heart to the task of making my own espresso at home. It needs to be cheap, tiny in size, any suggestions? I've seen the stove top espresso makers mentioned, any thoughts on this brewing method?

Thank you.

Stove tops are nice and are what I've seen many Italians use if they make coffee at home (which they rarely seem to bother with as good coffee is available cheaply in cafes everywhere. They're so lucky). Previous poster is right, though, that you will get no crema.

I bought a Gaggia Espresso (like this one: for 159 euro. I don't know where you are but shop around or try E-Bay as prices vary a lot. It's my favourite piece of kitchen equipment ever and it's not big (my kitchen's tiny). It took a bit of practice to get the hang over but now I'm making terrific espressos. I know that is still a good chunk of money but that's about the cheapest solution I can think of that doesn't cut on quality.

P.s. The real experts will tell you over and over again that you need to grind your own beans in a high tech grinder in order for your espresso to be any good. Of course it is miles better but for people like or me with no money and no space I have to say that if you use good pre-ground coffee that isn't too old it is still very much worthwhile to have only the machine. My espresso is ten times better than filter and a good bit nicer than a stovetop too.
I agree,
My little espresso machine is a KRUPS with vibratorpump, bought at fleemarket for 40 euros. and for a mill i have an old REX ROYAL motor mill taken out a fullautomatic device, but still runs great (looks very bad tough hi). With pre grinded coffee, erogation time can differ, ending up in very slow, very bad bitter tasting coffee, or too fast, weak taste, little crema... Even some people use the hand grinders from the early days :-)
Anyway, your own grinded espresso coffee tastes much better than a cup of senseo hihi.
Checkj out the Bialetti Brikka stovetop espresso pot:

Click here 4 Brikka

I have recently got one and like it very much. It is quick, easy to clean, not expensive, but only makes 6 oz per brew(4- 1.5oz cups). If that is enough for you I would recommend it.
I can confirm the Brikka is a very nice stove top coffee maker. I have bought three for me and my family.
p.s. I was registerd in this forum put somehow my log in wasn't valuable anymore????
I don't know if it can help, but I just read this article -

top 10 espresso machines

There are quite a few good ones on the list. I myself own a Nespresso CitiZ. I wasn't expecting that much (I've always dreamt of owning a Gaggia), but I was more than impressed. Plus it is a 1/10 of the cost of a Gaggia...
I have had a stove top espresso machine for years and love it, always get a great coffee. They are very easy to use. They are quite cheap so may be worth the investment. As I have said mine is very well loved and I will be sad when it goes to god.
I was impressed by the inexpensive Breville Ikon. It is a sturdy little machine that has good reviews. You can't beat the price.
any illy coffee machine is good - makes the real Italian taste come to your home
My vote is for the Olympia Cremina. Full manual control, built like a tank and is highly capable of superb espresso provided fresh coffee and a decent grinder/technique is part of the equation.
Hi all,
very nice information,
please keep sharing and posting,
thanks !!!!
hi:coffee:, i think it s right decision to have your own espresso my mind it s more convenient to have a cup of coffee at home rather than in the cafe. also coffee machine can save your time,but still it s difficult sometimes to choose a really good one. there are lots of different models with it s proper nuances, advantages and disadvantages e.t. If you want cheap it s not a problem too. I ve found a link with reviews 10 Best Home Espresso Machine Reviews ? TOP Choice so you can check it. There are different models of differnt prices, so i hope u ll find what you are searching for.
I've been on a Nespresso Inissia for about a year. It's a great machine if you have access to a cheap source of pods. Nowadays there are loads of non-espresso pods so just look around your local shops. Keep in mind they should be Nespresso compatible.
Uhmmm... this thread was started 11 years ago... hopefully he found a machine :)
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