Black Fly Coffee

Forrest Gump

New member
May 8, 2008
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Has anyone tried Black fly coffee? It is very strong and the slogan they have is particularly apt (for the buzz that won't go away) You can find it at select gift shops in the state of Maine or you can attend the blueberry festival in Machias for a smple of this supercaffienated coffee.
I think I can shed some light on this situation for you. MakoShark is me, and I live about ten miles from the address of this roaster, according to their website:

Now as a local resident and native, and with my finger on the pulse of the java world, I would expect to have heard of such a company. I have not. There are some micro-roasters in the area. The most notable are Bohemian Coffee and Wicked Joe, both from Brunswick (30 minutes north of Portland, Maine).

With their address and a little mapquest work, I discovered they are located in exactly the same location as Wicked Joe! And, according to their site, Bob Garver is their roaster. Bob Garver and his wife Carmen are the founders and owners of Wicked Joe.

Mystery solved (I think). Black Fly Coffee is a souped up coffee, produced by Wicked Joe. I feel better.

Bravo Mako! Bravo. Well done sir.

You have solved yet another mystery. That of a mysterious coffee roasting company, posting under the guise of another coffee roasting company, under yet another alias user name in the forum. Who would think to do such a thing?

Not that posting under an alias user name is a bad thing............
And who is this Forrest Gump guy do you think? Could it be Bob the roaster himself perhaps?

Maybe he'll be back some day to share some coffee stories with us?
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I do not own the company nor do i work there. i am just another coffee lover like the rest of the people on this forum. But i have tried the coffee before at a blueberry festival once and i thought that the coffee had a lot of kick to it. I do not even work for them and i was not aware of thier website until a few days ago.. I was just aski ng other opinoins on this blend.
Oh well, it was fun while it lasted. Thanks Forrest Gump for clearing it up. Really, I meant no harm. A lot of times, new members never come back and we just take their thread and run with it like thieves in the night...... well, at least I do.

With a name like Forrest Gump, you're bound to draw some unwanted attention, ha ha ha.

We know you're serious about your coffee now, but relax and enjoy your stay.

Again, welcome to the forum. :D