Buying a French Press


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Oct 16, 2006
Los Angeles, CA
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I am looking to purchase my first french press and want to get something really good. Are there different qualities of them, or are they all pretty similar (the design looks very simple)? Are there specific brands I should look for, or should I just buy whichever one looks most 'sturdy' and least likely to break? Any links that talk about different really good brands?

Thanks, Jordan
I have an IKEA one that works really well. Great for tea and coffee.

I have a smaller one I picked up at a local grocery store for the office. It's a gong show, first off I don't know why I bothered to get one that only makes one cup. Makes it hard to share coffee with someone else.

The other problem with it is that it seems a little "tight". When I push the plunger down I somtimes get a lot of resistance and then water squirting up and a little bit out.

I took a look at the one IKEA was selling for $12. The handle broke off in my hand while I was in the store. I gently put it back on the shelf and walked away.

Look at , recommend the plastic over the glass. Mine cost $40

Still works no problems.
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JavaNights said:
I took a look at the one IKEA was selling for $12. The handle broke off in my hand while I was in the store. I gently put it back on the shelf and walked away.

Look at , recommend the plastic over the glass. Mine cost $40

Still works no problems.
Ya, Ive heard the bodums are good. Are there any other top brands worth considering? Also is the quality gonna effect the taste of the coffee, or just effect how long before the press breaks?
JavaNights said:
I took a look at the one IKEA was selling for $12. The handle broke off in my hand while I was in the store. I gently put it back on the shelf and walked away.

That's surprising, I'm rough on things and my IKEA french press has held up to my abuse. It was a little more than $12.00 though.

The Bodum brand does look to be very nice.
I have a Bodum as well that has hung in there for years, though it has now been demoted to being emergency back up to the espresso machine. Worth the money.

As for cheap presses affecting the coffee flavour. Well, I have seen some really badly made presses that wouldn't "stand up", i.e. the press down part wouldn't sit on top of the glass to let the coffee brew but would slide down. I've also come across leaky sieves that didn't fit the glass properly so you ended up with a lot of grind in you coffee and that isn't too nice tasting.

I strongly suspect there are cheap makes that have no problems whatsoever but I think it's very hit and miss so you won't know till you try and make coffee with it. I'd say unless you are really hard up, go with the Bodum and be done with it.

P.s. Heat the press with hot water beforehand and don't forget to stir. You knew that.