Cafe' Menu Boards

There is a company based here that makes really great boards from wood- with a blackboard background. I ran into them recently in Bali while searching for some other stuff. Basically they built the boards in relief, and paint them. Its really hard to explain but next time I am in Bali (a week away I guess) I will get some pictures and a contact email address.
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Alun_evans said:
There is a company based here that makes really great boards from wood- with a blackboard background. I ran into them recently in Bali while searching for some other stuff. Basically they built the boards in relief, and paint them. Its really hard to explain but next time I am in Bali (a week away I guess) I will get some pictures and a contact email address.

Thanks!! I will look for email in a week or so :) To the other replies "Thanks" as well for the blackboard tip and Matt for letting me know that you know of someone that was pleased with IDS company.
Hey F.R.:

I went to the site you had on the link...Wow that's some pretty high end stuff! How much do you look to spend on a menu board? And how fancy do you want it? In my humble opinion if you have a simple and clean menu board (Chalk idea is a good one) that's all you really need. And it's inexpensive.

However, I did meet some reps at the last Coffee Fest here that had some pretty cool stuff 8) . The name of the company is Main Street Menu Systems. Their site address is Their toll free number is 1-800-782-6222. Some of their stuff was over the top as far as indoor and outdoor menu boards. They even had video intergrated in some. It was all pretty cool 8)
make it if ya got time

plywood, chalkboard paint. prime it, sand between coats on maybe a nice piece of birch plywood, one side finished. cut it to size and use any kind of trim. you can make it look as slick or clean as you want!
Cafe Menu Boards

We use chalkboards and just today I came to really appreciate it because we had to adjust some pricing. Easy to do! We use long boards on either side of a short board that contains a chalk rendering of our logo. It looks quite professional.

I believe that Home Depot or Lowes - if you have those - carry it. I have a friend who painted her laundry room door so the kids could write where they were going and so forth - worked great...

you can get it at hobby shops, lowes, or depot in spray or brush on. be sure to sand it before and between coats (makes it easier to clean). you can probably paint it on to any surface, nearly.