Caffeine content of Espresso vs Regular Coffee


New member
Jun 16, 2006
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Not sure where else to put this question so in here it goes.

I was told the other day that espresso actually has a lower caffeine content than drip brewed coffee.

The claim is that because the espresso machine brews quicker than the drip machine, and the water spends less time in contact with the grounds, there is less time to draw caffeine out of the beans, and therefore espresso has less caffeine.

It sounds as plausible as lots of other things I have heard, but I don't know if that is how it is or not.

Does anyone have any thoughts?

Thanks a lot.
caf content

espresso has less caf. by the bean because the longer you roast a bean the less caf it has...however espresso is not a roast level. It refers to the process of brewing. The process actualy extracts more of the oils and "flavor" of the bean tha does drip(don't know about french press). I believe if you were to use a medium roast in an espresso machine it would by volume create a more caf drink...but I have never tested this.
Ah, okay, I get it. Darker Roast (espresso using dark roasted beans) = less caffeine. That makes sense. More heat breaks down more of the chemical and there is less to be extracted, or something to that effect.

Funny that people often get an espresso when they feel they need a bigger kick. Must be in their heads I guess.


True and most shops don't correct them. You also have to bear in mind that most people will down espresso shots in a few sips as opposed to taking half an hour to finish a cup of drip so it may actualy be giving them a "quicker" boost. Some shops use a lighter roast for espresso thus esuring customer loyalty. "I just don't get the same kick out of company "x"'s espresso as I do out of company "y"'s" Kinda sneaky but whatever works....most people don't care to know the whys.
It totally makes sense not to correct them, espresso is at a higher price point and the client typically drinks it faster so they are probably sitting in your shop taking up space for less time. Ideal from a turnover point of view.

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