Cash register setup


New member
Jun 29, 2004
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Hi all - getting my register programmed for when I open in 3-4 weeks andlooking for any input you all might have. Do I need different departments say for hot drinks/cold drinks/coke items/food items etc? I'm thinking if I have things broken down into departments, it will be easier to run journals and look at sales patterns. ANy and all info you may have to share regarding cahs registers is appreciated.
Susan :) :) :)
Originally from Rapid City

Susan, I see that you are from Rapid City. I grew up in the Black Hills and was just back there for the Rally, miss it alot. Where will your shop be located? I know there are a few drive ups around that area, or so it looked like when we were there.
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Black Hills

What a huge rally this year! Oh - and we are going to rent out our house next year for the rally in case you know someone interested.
My kiosk is located in the parking lt of the new Autumn Hills Plaza just North of Catron Blvd on Sheridan Lk Rd. Traffic counts are like 30K a day! Can't wait to get opened! Email direct at [email protected] if you have any more ?? or just want to chat about Rapid and/or Coffee!
Susan, that will be a great area. We used to live in the Mountain Shadows subdivision across from the Country Club off of Sheridan Lake rd. I might have some renters for you also for next years rally. I can't believe how much that area has grown in the last 5 years since we moved from there. Anyway good luck. Tim
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bldg etc/Rally

Sorry i didn't respond to your email about the buillder - didn't know about the private email method - anyway they FINALLY started on my bldg yesterday!!! Should be open within 30 days. GBA is doing the construction as they built the plaza as well. I think the location will be awsome - getting traffic from both directions going out Catron to the hospital ect. Good luck one you venture too - where do you live now?
Susan, you are definately on the right track - you need to have things broken down into different depts. This way you can track your products plus it helps with inventory. Takes a little time setting it up, but definately worth it !
susansaddiction said:
Hi all - getting my register programmed for when I open in 3-4 weeks andlooking for any input you all might have. Do I need different departments say for hot drinks/cold drinks/coke items/food items etc? I'm thinking if I have things broken down into departments, it will be easier to run journals and look at sales patterns. ANy and all info you may have to share regarding cahs registers is appreciated.
Susan :) :) :)