Chocolate Biscotti with Espresso Beans?


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Oct 4, 2007
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I currently use fresh crushed espresso beans in my double chocolate espresso biscotti, but I hadn't thought of using whole beans until I just saw a post on chocolate covered espresso beans.

Any thoughts? Let me know. Thanks.
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I was afraid I'd get more of a response like "Coffee lovers would never eat whole coffee beans, yuck!" Although, I was hoping for something more like "Great idea! Coffee beans have a variety of appealing uses, and are not limited to having hot water forced through them in a percolator". But, we are in a "coffee" forum, not a "coffee bean" forum, so perhaps I should apologize for thinking outside of the box here.
No harm intended.
I work at a popular café in Iceland were one of the most popular things to eat with the coffee (apart from the pastry) is the biscotti. Ours is made with whole cofee beans, chocolate and peanuts - and people love it!