CMA Rio issues....HELP!!


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Sep 29, 2018
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Our shop has a 2003 CMA RIO SME-2N 2 group machine. The closest repairman is over 2 hours away and this can't wait. A couple of months ago, we would come into the shop in the morning with the drain bucket full and 2-3 gallons of water on the floor. This would happen sporadically and only overnight. Also the machine was powered off. I ended up shutting off the supply valve on the machine at closing and then open it at the start of the next day. Now today we had another issue :decaf:The group head on the right started cycling on and off repeatedly and filled our 5 gal bucket every couple of hours. I tried pushing the buttons on the control panel, but this only interrupted the problem and didn't stop it. I ended up disconnecting the power at the control to stop it. Anybody have any suggestions??
Thank you in advance.
Our shop has a 2003 CMA RIO SME-2N 2 group machine. The closest repairman is over 2 hours away and this can't wait. A couple of months ago, we would come into the shop in the morning with the drain bucket full and 2-3 gallons of water on the floor. This would happen sporadically and only overnight. Also the machine was powered off. I ended up shutting off the supply valve on the machine at closing and then open it at the start of the next day. Now today we had another issue :decaf:The group head on the right started cycling on and off repeatedly and filled our 5 gal bucket every couple of hours. I tried pushing the buttons on the control panel, but this only interrupted the problem and didn't stop it. I ended up disconnecting the power at the control to stop it. Anybody have any suggestions??
Thank you in advance.

Hello jazz475,

I'm sorry to read that you are having so many problems with your coffee machine.

Weekends are typically slow on the Coffee Forum. I hope some of our active members will check in today, and maybe someone will be able to help you.

~ Rose

Although it won't help you today.

We hand similar issues with a water leak on our machine although a different machine (La Marzocco). After many weeks and parts with no luck our repairman thought it was the computer that would need replacement at great cost and no guarantee. I decided to call the US office to try and find another person that could fix machines that they would recommend. Ended up speaking with their tech guy and he told us to try to replace the check valve. Replaced it myself and works fine now.

Call the manufacture even if its an older machine they may help guide you in the right direction if you can't get a repair person to come right out.

We also have back up machine that I can switch out just incase we have any issues. I would suggest that if coffee is your income that you have a back up machine so you don't miss out on any sales.

As far as the push button controller sounds like that is no good. Can you still operate with just the one side? If yes then just use that one side if NO you can disconnect that controller on one side (on some machines) i'm not sure if or how on your machine.