Coffe shop for parents and kids


New member
Nov 11, 2004
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What you guys think about this business?
I am going to provide coffee for parents who have kids. The reason that parents take their kids to coffee shop is that they think a coffee shop should be quite. So I am going to provide facilities for kids such as playground, small library...
now i'm just confused ...
is it a place where parents take their kids ? or take their kids and they relax while the kids play ... or is it a place they go specifically without children?
I think it's a good idea...

Since I'd been thinking about doing exactly the same thing last year. I didn't get very far as I had another opportunity come up, but I think with the right location and insurance (this could be an issue) it could work.

One problem we considered: Is the parent market big enough to support the business, since a lot of little kids would be likely to scare off the non-parent market.

they scoffed when mc donalds decided to cater to many times have many of you readers have been dragged into it by yours, or someone elses kids to get that happy meal toy...

Yeah, run with it, not sure what you are going to come up with for Ronald, but just make it good, friendly and don't attempt to do something "similar" to what else like it exists, ie. no red barny's or ronald on a bad make up day. Yes, there will be obsticals, like all biz, there always is, so the insurance may be a bit more, but only if you are doing some crazy stuff, for them to penalize you for being a more family friendly operation would be a great injustice to the general business world at large.
To sriyanup,

could you tell me your location?(city/state) we have someone doing that here in our town, and they are having trouble keeping business.