Hello fellow coffee lovers. I have a cousin who is an amazing artist. She has found a way to express her love for coffee and art through a single avenue. She paints beautiful paintings using only coffee on watercolor paper.
You can see a few samples on her website at www.coffee-art.com.
Most of her original paintings are hanging in a coffee shop in Tulsa, OK called Nordaggio's Coffee. The shop clientelle have been so responsive to the coffee art that we decided to start a business of recreating the art pieces into prints & greeting cards. The greeting cards and prints have been flying off the shelves, and we're looking to expand the business to other cities and states.
Would anybody be interested in helping us get the word out?
Does anyone have an idea how to spread the word about this unique artwork? I believe every coffee shop owner would love to know about this beautiful artwork!
You can see a few samples on her website at www.coffee-art.com.
Most of her original paintings are hanging in a coffee shop in Tulsa, OK called Nordaggio's Coffee. The shop clientelle have been so responsive to the coffee art that we decided to start a business of recreating the art pieces into prints & greeting cards. The greeting cards and prints have been flying off the shelves, and we're looking to expand the business to other cities and states.
Would anybody be interested in helping us get the word out?
Does anyone have an idea how to spread the word about this unique artwork? I believe every coffee shop owner would love to know about this beautiful artwork!