Sorry coffee guy but you are favorite coffee is the best and if someone doesn't like it...they have no tastes(just kidding)
Colombian Supremo- Medium body and acidity. This coffee is mellow in taste with a sweet spicy aroma.
Sumatra Mandheling- Most full bodied of coffees. You can feel the richenss setting in the corners behind your tongue. It has relatively low acidity, but enough to keep the cup vibrant and interesting, rich, smooth and full flavor.
Guatamalan- Medium to full bodied and rich in flavor. This coffee also has a distinct smokey flavor and is a fairly rich cup.
Kenya AA-Distinct dry, winy aftertaste, full-bodied richness . Great coffee for people who like the striking and unusual coffees.
Tanzanian Peaberry-sharp winy acidity typical of african and arabian coffees. Medium to full bodied and fairly rich in flavor.
Ethiopian Yirgacheffe- Rich teasing and mysteriuos on the palate, with a very long resonant finish, its acidity vibrates inside the richness of the body, but adds a soft fragrant flowery note.
Mexican Altura- Delicate in body, with a pleasently dry acidy snap.
Hawaiian Kona-rich yet light bodied with a natural sweetness
Matari Mocha-The acidity leaves an unmistakable dry, winelike aftertaste on the palate. In addition to its rich winy quality, Mocha has its own particular flavor note, which can be associated with chocolate.
Brazilian Santos-smooth flavor, medium body, with moderate acidity
Coffee Glossary
Acidity-refers to the sharpness or dryness that a coffee produces on the back of our palate
Arabica-the finest of coffee beans available. Most specialty coffees are arabica, grown between 3,000 to 6,000 feet above sea level.
Aroma- Characteristics that are distinguished by smell. Such characteristics could be "floral" or "winy"
Blend- two or more individual coffees that are mixed together to bring out desired characteristics
Body-the richness or heaviness that is felt on the tongue
Buttery: An oily, rich flavor and texture, characteristic of some Indonesian varietals and those brewing methods which feature substantial quantities of coffee particles in suspension(french press, and espresso machine)
Carmelly- Term used to describe coffees that are candylike or syrupy flavor
Chocolaty- Term used to describe an aftertaste similar to unsweetend chocolate
Clean- Characteristic of all fine coffees. It refers to distinct taste characteristics as opposed to muddied impressions of flavor
Complexity- The perception of multiple flavors
Delicate- Term used to describe a subtle flavor left on the tip of the tongue by a coffee
Exotic- Refers to coffees with unusual aromatic and flavor notes("floral", "berry-like"and "sweet-spice-like")
Flavor- The overall perception of the coffee in the mouth. Components of flavor include acidity, aroma, and body
Fruity- A characteristic reminiscent of citrus or berries
Mellow- Smooth taste, lacking acidity
Peaberry- Eahc coffee cherry contains two coffee beans. Occasionally, a cherry will form with only one bean. These are peaberries and are generally sold as their own grade. All coffees produce about 20% of its coffee in peaberry form.
Richness- refers to boday and fullness
Spicy- Describes a coffee that has a flavor and aroma reminiscent of spices
Winy- Describes a coffee that has an aftertaste reminiscent of a well matured wine