coffee Distribution


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May 23, 2009
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Hello to everyone in here. I would like to thanks the creators of this site first of all.

As many of you I own a small coffee shop business at the moment and I have the intention to open a new business as a coffee distributor not as a retailer. I don't have any experience in the coffee distribution so I wanted to ask if someone can give me some suggestions and advices based on their experiences and knowledge. I am looking for some coffee manufacturers at the moment in the site WWW.ALIBABA.COM . I plan to order the coffee from a couple of manufacturers and create by own blend of Espresso and American coffee. I am thinking to take in rent a small storage place out of the city where I can put the boxes of coffee beens, and to buy a small used minivan or truck to distribute the coffee to the others shops in my State .

what I need now is more informations on this kind of thing.
Does anyone know where the other distributers get their coffee and how they find their sources?
Can anyone tell me what else shuld I need or be aware in this kind of busiess.
And also Does anyone here know how is this market ? Is it though to compete with the big companies at the moment or there are still some chances left for me.

I want to get as many info as possible on this kind of business, so I ask for your help since I don't know any other place where to ask. Thanks in advance.
Hi,please visit my website to see if there is anything you like,we are a processed washed arabica coffee beans exporter in Yunnan China.

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