coffee doesn't give me a buzz -- advice?


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Oct 26, 2005
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I was hoping coffee would give me a buzz but I didn't feel anything. I am looking for something to get me going in the morning and it didn't do anything. I tried a cup of medium roast and a cup of vanilla bean, neither did anything. I was hoping that it would give me a buzz like cigarettes used to give me. Should I try an espresso or something? I don't know much about coffee. Also, I drink quite a bit of soda (maybe 2-3 cans a day) and I generally can't feel anything from those (mountain dew) and have been drinking like that for pretty much all my life. Don't know if that would affect my tolerance.

Thanks for any advice
I don't know much about coffee either so for you coffee aficionados, correct me if I'm wrong.

-you might want to try LIGHT roast b/c I think it has more caffeine than Medium and Dark. Light > Medium > Dark

-espresso should help, if not, then caffiene may not be doing anything for you since your body is use to it from all the sodas you drink.

-Might want to add some sugar as well, since the sugar will give you some added energy.
Wow you people still get a buzz. Damn I drink way too much. I am now at that point in my life that if I stop drinking by the 2nd day I have a migraine. I drink between a 1/2 - 3/4 gallon of coffee and then switch to diet coke. I drink another 1/2 gallon of diet coke then switch back to coffee and drink another glass or two (16oz.). Then I go home. So Monday - Friday is my habit, Saturday is my day off, and Sunday is my headache!
Shock Coffee. It's a brand of hypercaffeineated coffee.

Also, soon, Burger King is going to be launching BK Joe, coffee with 40 percent more caffeine than regular coffee.

You can also drink Maxwell House of Folgers. Those coffees are going to have more caffeine than most specialty coffees because of the beans and generally a lighter roast. Caffeine burns off in dark roasts, so stay lighter.

But none of those are going to taste very good. If you want a buzz, crush up a bunch of no doze into a fine powder and snort them through a rolled up $100 bill, then irrigate your sinuses with espresso. The paramedics (or the coroner) will have to peel you off the ceiling.
The real problem is tolerance. Just like an alcoholic, the more you drink the more the tolerance you build and the more alcohol you have to consume to get back to that point.

In my case I have consumed so much caffeine in the last 8 years, it is now counter productive to continue drinking more or taking pills to find the buzz.

O.k, there was no mention of ever getting a buzz or energy from coffee/caffine. See when a stinulent is given to an ADD/ADHD individual, we usually start to yawn. I have to over consume in order to derive and benifit other than a great tasteind Jave. I would recomend that the org post be claified as to if they had ever used/drank caffine. Sugar is also a form of stimulant, and I happen to like a sugar buzz, cause for some reason the receptor involve in sugar are different from thoese that laet caffine do it's thing.:)