Coffee Dreams?


New member
May 15, 2005
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Has anybody had a coffee dream? I had a dream last night where I was given a brand new coffee machine. I put in some coffee grinds and then waited for the coffee to come out and when it did, it NEVER STOPPED! It came coming and coming and it started flooding my kitchen, and then I woke up. :lol:
Call the dream doctor and he might have a idea how this dream is linked to something you were thinking or worring about in the day? Lucily I don't remember my dreams once I wake up anymore :) Or I would ponder them all day long wondering what they ment :)
Hummmm...Sounds like the grind was too coarse :wink: Adjust your dream a couple of clicks finer, and it should come out better the next time... :twisted: Sorry I just couldn't resist :wink:

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