after about 12/13 years i finally developed a stomach ulcer/gastritis/and colitis after consuming strong cups of black coffee each morning without drinking milk afterwards! i loved to drink a strong ass cup of black coffee especially of the folgers brand! my favorite was not instant coffee but instead ground roast instead. my mother always told me to mix coffee with milk so like that it wouldnt be that strong on my stomach! i had a colonoscopy and endoscopy done and it revealed an ulcer and the other stuff. has a strong ass cup of black ground roast coffee alone with no milk been known to ultimately cause ulcers and the other stuff that i have not only in my case but a lot of other people? if so, how? if not, why? dont get me wrong but i just fell in love with starting my day with a strong ass cup of coffee black with no milk especially of the folgers brand! im not trying to badmouth coffee but on the contrary say its a wonderful beverage but lots of people have complained that it irritates their stomach and causes other gastrointestinal problems, would all of this be true? how can someone who doesnt have ulcers and the other stuff that i have start drinking a strong cup of coffee every morning and not develop these symptoms? why does coffee get a bad rap for allegedly causing this stuff to develop in the stomach after years of drinking it then by some people? if someone who doesnt have ulcers and the other stuff that i have start drinking a strong ass cup of cold brew coffee accompanied later with a cold glass of milk, do they still face the chance of ulcers and the other stuff that i have but later on in life like 15 or 20 years down the road??????? can a coffee lover/expert please share their opinion with me on this controversial subject. thank you.