coffee machine for christmas gift, 150-350


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Nov 30, 2014
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okay, so i actually dont drink coffee. i dont like the taste, and i think you are all icky. but if you are willing to forgive me for my shortcomings, then i would like some advice on a gift for my girlfriend who is a complete coffee addict.

right now we just have a cheap delonghi coffee maker that she got a few years ago, i dont know what the model is, but it was amost certainly less than $50, and seems a bit cheap, although it works fine. shes happy with it - it makes her coffee, and im happy with it - it keeps her from killing me in the mornings. i would like to get her a really nice coffee machine for christmas, to upgrade from the one we have now, in about the $150-350 range. i would like one that is more solidly made (not all cheap plastic), more visually attractive, and obviously one that will make her coffee that she thinks is really good. i would also like one that isnt too large, as our kitchen has limited counter space.

based on amazon reviews, i was looking at the "delonghi lattissima pluss nespresso capsule system", or the "Nespresso pixie espresso maker". my issues with both of these are that they both look like they only make one cup at a time, and i dont know how convenient it would be to make multiple cups if we have guests over etc. also, as i am completely clueless about all things coffee, im not even sure if they can make 'regular' coffee like our old machine. i would like to get her a coffee maker that can make lattes/cappuccinos/espresso or whatever you have, but as the main cook in the house, i dont want to have two big separate coffee makers taking up our precious counter space, so it definitely needs to be an all in one machine. i would really appreciate some advice here. and i am open to changing my expectations in a machine if you think, for example, that all in one coffee makers are overly complicated and id be better off getting her something simpler.
any help or advice would be greatly appreciated! thanks :)
I would look at a Technivorm, Brazen or even a Bunn.

Honestly I have gone back to the basics and really like the Bunn Velocity line.

The Velocity is a little version of a Bunn cwtf. I played with one a few months back the water in the tank was hovering around 203F which is perfect for brewing. You can buy them for as little as $80 depending on what you're looking for.
Technivorm or Bonavita BV1800 or 1900 are probably your best bets if you're looking for great coffee from a machine that looks sleek, and doesn't take up too much space.

For espresso and lattes, if your gf knows anything about coffee she should know that Nespresso makes garbage espresso drinks. Having said that, it's pretty convenient. But if she wants something that makes authentic espresso and isn't too expensive, I'd check out anything by Breville. Personally, I own a handheld espresso maker that takes up no space and makes authentic espresso. It's called the Mypressi's great but very hands on.

If you are looking to get her something that does espresso AND coffee, the only machine I've ever seen that does this is the CBTL Kaldi. But it's a garbage pod machine. So I wouldn't recommend this unless your gf doesn't care about quality.
This whole better-coffee thing is relatively new to me, so take my suggestion with a grain of salt.

Whichever coffeemakers you are considering, you might want to choose one with a thermal carafe - your girlfriend likely does not want her coffee in a glass carafe getting cold or sitting on a warmer to maintain its temperature.

Who knows, if your girlfriend gets caught up in making great coffee, she may convert you!
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