Coffee Making Me Nauseous


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Aug 27, 2021
Near San Diego
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I'm a long time Coffee drinker, but the last 5 years or so it's making me nauseous in the morning even when I drink it ½ hour after breakfast. Can anyone recommend any coffees that won’t do this, besides the decaf, or is that the only sure way to not be sick, the decaff? It's not acid reflux, just a slight nausea.

I'm using Folgers classic roast now
Have you tried adding some milk to your coffee? Do you experience slight nausea if you drink coffee later in the day? Maybe your stomach has a problem with the Folgers coffee. Have you tried another brand to see if the same thing happens?
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No i drink it black, I just tried making some decaff today and feel fine.
is there a low acid, or low caffine coffee available? I still would like the caffine!
I tried using the folgers yesterday, making it only half strength, and only felt a little nauseous.
No i drink it black, I just tried making some decaff today and feel fine.
is there a low acid, or low caffine coffee available? I still would like the caffine!
I tried using the folgers yesterday, making it only half strength, and only felt a little nauseous.
I would advise you not to drink coffee when you are hungry. Coffee on an empty stomach can cause discomfort if the mucous membrane is already hypersensitive. In this case, the secreted gastric juice, not finding an object of application, begins to irritate the walls of the stomach, causing nausea. Most likely this is the problem. On the Internet, you can find websites about healthy eating, where you can read more about this problem. I hope I helped you.
Good luck to you.
I am going to go out on a limb and say it is the coffee. Switch to a better quality coffee. The coffee you are drinking has robusta in it. I HATE robusta. It hurst my stomach, I get jittery and want to fight everyone when I drink it. I personally will not drink it ever again. Go with a brand that only uses 100 % arabica...also look for "specialty grade". Let us know if that helps.
It is necessary to eat healthily and in a balanced way so that coffee does not make you sick. Coffee often makes me sick, but once my husband and I read Spinnaker Resorts reviews and decided to visit this place. It was there that I tried coffee, which was very tasty to me and did not make me sick. That's why I only drink one kind of coffee now
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