Seeing this annoying commecial on yet another form of home espresso machine, and guess what this one takes "yet again" pods....
I think pods are something the europeans are desperately trying to get the US buying strictly because it puts the roasting/bean production back in their favor. We in the US have not only adopted euro style beans, but are producing and roasting it locally, so have completely obliderated their market when it comes to us.
The machines will come and go, each being pod dependant, just if you have 1/2 a brain, won't invest in them nor think there is any kind of a long term carear about of distributing them. If there was, the coffee craze would have to fizzle down to the drip/folgers days before hand. And in fact, I would pit any high end home espresso machine against any commercial pod machine "quality espresso pour wise" any day.