Coffee Storage Containers


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Apr 27, 2004
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Hi Folks,

I am looking for a source of storage containers for ground coffee. I have a few customers who insist on me grinding their coffee.

So far, I like stainless steel and a one pound capacity.

Suggestions are appreciated,

T in Carolina
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Confession Time


Ethiopian Yirgacheffe was mighty good today - my wife really likes it too. Anyway... I have a confession to make:

Here goes...

When I make coffee for my personal consumption, I don't grind my coffee beans everytime I make a pot. The routine I follow is this: grind about 5 to 7 ounces at a time and store it in a glass jar with a screw type lid.

There, I said it!

So in reality, I am not only looking for a storage container for my customers - but also for myself. We usually keep three or four types of coffee available at home and the old two jar system (one for regular and one for decaf) doesn't work anymore. Foil bags work fine, I would just like to have a nice storage container.

Comments and "what you use" suggestions are most appreciated. And, where you bought it. Walmart is OK, but I would like to find wholesale source for about 100.


T in Carolina
If you want MADE IN CHINA,I can help

If you want made in China,sent me the design,maybe I can take it to the factory of stainless ,if they can do,it's OK.
