
New member
Jan 11, 2005
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Has anyone used or know of this company? The roasted prices seem extremely low for anything of quality.

I've tried their coffee. As a matter of fact that is what I am using now. The down side (I guess) is that you have to buy it in 5 or 25 lb bags. No problem for us as we have a vacuum sealer. I tried their dark roast similar to St*rb@cks. I like coffee; have never had Kona or Jamacin. So with that said, I think the coffee is good. Price was about $5 a lb, delivered. It took about 3 days for it to get to me. It was delivered in the kind of bag you get from grocer with vent. I would give them a try!
Big Fan of CBD

I have to say that I've been a fan of Coffee Bean Direct for awhile now, nice people, great service, and a fine quality bean.
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