Cost per cup?


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Jan 5, 2006
Seattle, WA
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Has anyone seen figures lately on the average cost to brew a double tall latte? The cost of the milk, coffee, cup, and lid? Not including rent or employees wages of course.

new york times broke it down a couple of years ago in detail, although it is hard to compare costs exactly. Generally

cup lid - .10
espresso shot .20 each
milk - .26 (this is only an est.)

then you take your other costs, labor,rent,utilities etc.

This is just an est. results vary from store to store, company to company.
If you really want to keep your milk prices down...get a cow :wink: As for the rest of the penciled in figures. Some will also depend on pricing you receive from your vendors, because some of your cost of goods could actually be lower. But generally those figures are pretty close. And since you are in Seattle those should be easy to figure out since you have a lot of wholesale places to shop like Costco, Sam's Club & Cash & Carry to name a few.
Espresso cost

OK guys, here's the math:

One shot of espresso uses 7 grams of coffee, there are 454 grams to a pound of coffee beans, therefore there are 64.86 (let's call it 64) shots of espresso to a pound. Now, divide the cost you are paying per pound for espresso beans by 64 and you have your true cost per shot.

For the milk you need to actually weigh the amount of milk you use to make each different size drink and divide by the cost per gallon, or simply divide your cost per gallon by 128 and multiply it by the number of ounces you used to make a latte.

Scientific method applied to coffee. -Dave
For double, 14 grams = 0.5 oz, 1 pound = 16 oz, so 1 pound = 32 doubes.
If your cost of espresso is $6.00, your bean cost per double is 19 cents. For 12 oz latte, you need about 8 oz of milk, at $3 per gallon, 8 oz = 19 cents. Lid, cup and sleeve = 19 cents, total cost is about 57 cents.
ElPugDiablo said:
For double, 14 grams = 0.5 oz, 1 pound = 16 oz, so 1 pound = 32 doubes.
If your cost of espresso is $6.00, your bean cost per double is 19 cents. For 12 oz latte, you need about 8 oz of milk, at $3 per gallon, 8 oz = 19 cents. Lid, cup and sleeve = 19 cents, total cost is about 57 cents.

Someone else who can do math, very good, good post. Do you really pay $3/gallon for milk out there? Wow!

Mocha Psyc: use ElPugDiablo's numbers for your espresso drinks, the calculator on website sucks. It gives the same answer for espresso shots as it does for cappuccinos...duh, one has milk and one doesn't so how can they have the same cost? The calculator appears accurate, but it's only for standard brewed coffee. -Dave