Couple of questions.


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Apr 28, 2012
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1. My l12 probat wont cool properly. I can see where some idiot took a plasma torch and cut out a huge piece that controls the arms. Also im having troubles dialing in a good mocha java persay a clients request. Any ideas? Smokin joe


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May 1, 2012
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I can't help you sort out your Probat problem, no experience there. And hopefully you've got that sorted already. But I do have a mocha-java that is getting good reviews (take this with a grain of salt though because I'm in Ireland, a country that is just starting to discover good coffee). The beverage buyer at a local supermarket chain did say, after tasting our mocha-java, "I absolutely love your coffee!"

My mocha-java is 66.66% Sumatra Lintong and 33.33% Ethiopian Yirgacheffe. We roast 10 kilos at a time. We blend the beans beforehand and let them sit for several days so that they can "harmonize" together. We've roasted this blend to various levels and find that roasting it into second crack, but before second crack really gets going, yields a really nice cup of coffee. You really have to watch it though because as you no doubt know when the coffee gets to this point seconds count and roasting 15-20 seconds too long can can make the difference between a great roast and a middling one.

With that said this is a blend I want to start trying to roast separately as I'm thinking (which is dangerous because I am a novice coffee roaster) that those two beans develop their peak flavor profile at different points in the roast. Where that is I'm not sure -- and maybe you know, and could share that with me. Otherwise if, and when, I figure that out I'll be happy to share.

Best Wishes!

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