Domain names


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Aug 27, 2006
Atlanta, GA
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I am in the process of developing a website to market coffees and teas. I have been trying out different domain names to see what is available.

But I have a question - how long should a domain name be? Or is it more important for the name to flow and be meaningful.

Any help is appreciated.

Hello. There is a lot that goes into a domain name. I have been developing websites for companies for years and have seen them all. If your domain can match your company, that is best because that is what people will automatically look for. If it can't, try something short and sweet that might use keywords to macth what your site is about, help it be a little search engine friendly. The easier to remember, the better. And don't get a domain that reads like a sentence or use words that require a dictionary. Oh, try very hard to get a .com, no matter what name you get, many visitors will always try your domain with a .com inseatd or whatever else because it is most popular.

I am sure others will have other reasonings for certain domains, but from my experience, this is what I have learned.
Domain Names

I would echo what dealerpix has listed for things to try and do for your domain name. Keep it as simple as possible, catchy, the same name as your brick & mortar name (if this applies), and definitely do the .com as opposed to anything else. If you can't get the .com, then next would be a .net, as this is becoming more prevalent.

Something else to think about is to acquire domains that are close to your main domain name, or ones that mean the same thing as your domain name. Off-spellings, plurals, etc., can sometimes bring in just as much traffic as your actual domain name; just be sure to do the redirect to your main site, otherwise it don't mean a thing. Good luck.
I can't agree more... I also thik it is very important to have coffee in your domain if possible... it helps with the search results and such. Keep it simple .. try to keep it with two words and do not use periods ...
Kavhacup said:
I am in the process of developing a website to market coffees and teas. I have been trying out different domain names to see what is available.

But I have a question - how long should a domain name be? Or is it more important for the name to flow and be meaningful.

Any help is appreciated.

KahvaCup is the best.

Al Ries has a really good book about picking a brand name as well as some tips for picking a domain name called The 22 Immutable Laws of Branding.

One of the biggest things Al Ries mentions is not picking a generic name. A friend of mine had the category name for his website and did pretty good business, his competitors had some sort of variation of his name and they ened up getting a lot of complaints about missing product from people that had ordered from competitors.

Basically none of the customers could remember exactly where they purchased their products. This worked out nicely for my friend but when someone comes into your category with a good and easy to remember brand name they are the ones that stand out. Fortunately for my friend no one has come into his category yet with a stand out brand.
Hey a great question!
It really depends on the purpose of the domain use and how you are going to market them.

A few question that you should ask yourself before getting the domain:
1. Is it online or offline promotion that you are going to be using in order to promote your website?
2. If online - do you want to promote in the natural seach engine rankings or using the PPC system?

So if you say offline to the first question - than you are better of with a short and memorable name. it is importan to:
a) Have a memorable name of the domain
b) Have it no longer than 2 words
c) Make sure that the words that are used in the domain are easy to spell.

You are going to be promoting online through the search engine and are planning to get ranked well in the natural search results than you should find out what keywords you want to target and include they in the domain name.

If you are going with ppc (pay per click promotion) I advise you to look for the readable domain name. Which means when ppl look at the domain of the advertiser they see right away what the website is all about. It is a great idea to seperate words by dashes - that makes it much easier for ppl to read it. i.e.